Chapter Sixteen

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Hey guys!

Just wanted to tell you thanks for getting this story over 1000 reads! That was a great Christmas gift to me! I love you guys! Also I have been on vaykay and haven't been able to get on at all due to the lack of wifi. So thank you so much for being patient !
and sorry if it's short!

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Love, Jennatalia


         Elisianna drifted back to consciousness and her eyes fluttered open. Only to be greeted with blackness. The room she was in was dark, no lights on, and the only sound she could hear was her own breathing. The only thing she could see was a small blinking red light up in a corner of the room. A security camera. A night vision one at that. Her head hurt and so did her shoulder. Instantly, she remembered what happened. Zach shot her in the shoulder with a gold bullet and gold was affecting her now. She passed out from the pain so that's probably why her head hurt.

        She tugged at her hands, noticing that they were tied to the back of the chair she was in and also her ankles were tied to the legs of the chair. Struggling against the ropes, Elisianna knew that she wasn't going to be able to get out of this seeing with every tug, gold wire mixed in with the rope, burned her ankles and wrists. Defeated, Elisianna sat there, worrying about Kaden and Damien, hoping that Zach didn't hurt them. If anything happened to them, it would be her fault. She caused all this. With that thought, tears sprung from her eyes and she blinked them away.

        It seemed like hours she sat in the dark, her only companion was her thoughts, until a soft click could be heard in the corner. Elisianna whipped her head toward the sound, her heart beat quickening, her breath held. Light flashed on, blinding her, causing her to close her eyes tightly before fluttering them open to see Zach standing there in the doorway, Damien being dragged behind him, his body covered in blood, a gold chained wrapping around his hands and neck that Zach held in his hands.

        "Good morning! Did you sleep well? Of course you did. You hit the floor pretty hard." Zach gave Elisianna a sickening grin that had Elisianna's blood boiling. Zach dragged Damien into the room and pulled him to a chair that was facing Elisianna, two guards following behind begin to tie Damien to the chair.

        Elisianna made eye contact with Damien, wondering where Kaden was. She didn't know whether to be worried or relieved to not see him. She hoped that Kaden was alright and be able to save the children. "What are you doing with us? Why are you tying us up? We can't save the children. You proved that."

        "One question at a time, darling. I am imprisoning you. I'm tying you up so you can enjoy my show. See this wall here." Zach pointed to the left wall which Damien and Elisianna instantly looked at. Clicking was heard and the wall broke in half, revealing a glass wall behind it looking straight into the caged room where the children were held. "You are going to watch the children you failed to save, one by one, being killed. And then I'm going to come in here and purposely kill your man here. Then I will slowly and agonizingly kill you for lying to me."

        "I didn't lie to you! I didn't know who I was Zach. Most of those children don't know who they are! What you and I had was real. Our friendship was real! You know I killed vampires! Why do you think I lied to you?" Elisianna practically yelled at Zach, anger coursing through her body at the thought of watching innocent children and Damien dying in front of her.

        Zach walked up to Elisianna and grabbed her jaw roughly, squishing her cheeks together painfully. "What we had was a complete fake! You never loved me. I loved you so much and you didnt even give me a second glance! You knew...You knew that you had a lover already. This man!" Zach pointed to Damien. "I had spies watching your hotel room and saw you together, alone."

        Damien and Elisianna exchanged glances and then looked at Zach. Zach believed that Damien and Elisianna were lovers. Elisianna figured that his spies appeared after Kaden left her room and left before he returned. The fact was humorous, but if it saved Kaden's life and drew Zach's attention from Kaden, Elisianna will go along with it. Damien figured the same.

        "Please don't do this to her. Liss didn't know who she was. She doesn't deserve this torture. Please just save her life and kill me instead..." Damien's voice quivered as he looked at me with worry. Elisianna took an intake of breath from Damien's words.

        "No! Dami...Please don't do this! I need you alive. I couldn't live with knowing you took your life for me."

        "Will you guys shut up! God damn, you guys are sickening. I don't want to hear about your love story. I am killing you." Zach pointed his finger at Damien. "And you are going to watch everyone around you die before you die." His finger moved to Elisianna. "Starting with this child." zach waved his hand at no one through the glass wall.

        Soon a guard went into the cage and grabbed a girl that Elisianna recognized from early. The one that was getting raped. Elisianna started to cry out. "No! Please don't! Please! She's just a child!" Elisianna's promise to the girl resonated in her mind. Tears fell down Elisianna's cheeks. She couldn't watch this so she shut her eyes tight, whimpering.

        "Open your eyes and watch! Or I will kill her and then another one and then another and another, until you open those eyes and watch." Zach growled, causing Elisianna to open her eyes.

        Elisianna watched as they brought the girl over to the glass wall and her eyes connected with the girl's eyes. She saw fear and when the girl could extinguish who she was looking at, disappointment appeared in her eyes. Both the girl and Elisianna cried silently. Elisianna mouthed 'I'm sorry' to the girl, which caused the girl to sob. The guard next to her brought up the gun to the back of the child's head and pulled the trigger. Causing brain matter, blood, and pieces of the skull to paint the glass wall and caused a scream to escape Elisianna's mouth.

        She stared at the glass wall, at the blood, the hunched over corpse that was the girl she promised she would save and everything will be okay. "You bastard... You fucking bastard! She was just a little girl!" Elisianna screamed at Zach.

        "Not my problem. Her death is on your hands." Zach laughed and then faced them, his back to the glass wall. "So did you enjoy the show? Don't worry, there's another one coming soon. What should it be next. A toddler? a boy? how about the eldest one in there?"

        Elisianna looked at Damien, who was looking past Zach with a small smirk. Elisianna turned her head just in time for the glass wall to break, a headless guard skirting across the floor, knocking over Zach. Elisianna looked passed the wall to a very angry and bloody Kaden. "Kaden!"

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