Chapter Nineteen

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love, jennatalia


        The next few weeks went smoothly. Everyday, Kaden got better and better, soon going back to work with his father and family being the prince again. Everyone could tell a difference in the mood around the mansion. Hunters didn't bother them anymore after hearing what happened at the prison and the lost children' families sent them updates about how the children were doing, which all of updates were positive. Zach's father move the hunting community after he found out about his son's death as Nicole told Elisianna. Zach's father wasn't in a revenge mood at all, surprisingly, just very defeated and depressed. Causing Elisianna to feel slightly bad for ending his son's life, but at the same time didn't.

        Elisianna didn't see a lot of Kaden since he had a lot of catching up to do with his family business. Yet, this didn't bother her at all. Lucille was out of the picture, which set her mind at ease. She knew that he was at work, not with another woman. She took this time to spend time with her family, getting close to her dad and mom even more. She even spent a surprising amount of time with Damien. Damien eventually told her that he liked her, causing a slight awkwardness between them, yet he knew that she was Kaden's and that he had a blood mate out there somewhere. So the awkwardness didn't last long. They were actually becoming the best of friends.

        Elisianna also felt different in a way in the last few weeks. It was starting to worry her. She was getting nauseous, heading to the bathroom every ten minutes to the point where she had to get someone else to teach the children. After a week of going to the bathroom every 15 minutes, Elisianna went to her mom. Knocking on her parents' door, Elisianna was nervous. She sort of already could guess what was happening, yet wanted to make sure. The sound of the door unlocking could be heard, causing more nerves to coarse through Elisianna's body. Elinora's face brightened up when she saw her daughter at the door "My Eli! Why aren't you at work?"

        "Mom, I'm worried." Elisianna bit her lip, causing Elinora's smile to disappear and then Elisianna to be encased in a hug before being brought inside.

         Her father was sitting on the couch, yet stood up and placed his hands on both of Elisianna's cheeks. "Darling whats wrong?"

        Elisianna looked at both of them and then started to break down crying. "I've been sick a lot lately and I don't know if it's because I'm going through transformation or....or..."

        "Or you're pregnant." Elinora finished her daughter's sentence, bringing Elisianna to the couch, sitting her down, and sitting next to her. Elisianna looked at her mother and nodded. Adrian stood still at where they were just were, in shock, pale, and facing the other way.

        "Honey, when was your last period?" Elinora rubbed at Elisianna's hair, looking at her daughter with concern.

        "I don't want to hear this! This is something a father does not need to listen too!" Adrian squeaked and left the room to the kitchen. A faint sound of a beer being open could be heard.

        "Um... like... two months ago... Oh shit." Elisianna felt like she had to throw up. She ran to the bathroom, knelt on the floor, and emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

        Elinora moved behind her daughter, holding her hair away from her face, watching with a sad smile on her face. "Honey... You are most definitely pregnant."

        Elisianna sat back against the wall, wiping her mouth clean of leftover vomit on her sleeve. She looked up at her mother with scared eyes. "I don't know if I am ready to be a mother..."

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