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Four years later

        Elisianna stood in front of the double doors, exhaling. This was what she has been waiting for, for the last four years. She could hear music and chatter on the other side of the tall mahogany doors. Nerves wracked her body, causing a shiver to course through her. She held a bouquet of white and blood red roses which matched her wedding gown. She stared at the doors, her thoughts going wild in her head. Once she passes these doors, she will be Mrs. Dulemonte, Princess of Vampires. Once she passes these doors, she will be vampire. In exactly thirty minutes, her transformation to a full vampire will happen. In front of thousands of vampires. This was tradition. To get married to your blood mate either on the day of the final transformation or the day or on the exact day that you met your blood mate.

        A tug was felt and Elisianna looked down at chocolate brown eyes that matched Kaden's before they turned gold. Elisianna smiled and knelt down by the little boy. "Yes darling?"

        "Mommy, will you still love me when you change?" The brunette little boy of the age of 3, pouted up at Elisianna, causing her heart to break.

        Elisianna grabbed him and hugged him to her tightly. " Dante, I will love you and your little sister forever. That won't change no matter what."

        "But mommy, what if you want to eat me..." Dante looked at her fearfully.

        Elisianna chuckled and ruffled Dante's hair. "I don't think that will happen. Don't worry, my little one. Nothing will change except mommy." Elisianna placed kisses all over Dante's voice. "Now go sit with your grandma and sister."

        Dante smiled and nodded, running off, looking adorable in his suit that Kaden picked out for him. Elisianna chuckled as she thought how Kaden loved to shop for their children. She had to admit that he was quite stylish and their children could definitely be little models.

        Clearing of a throat, made Elisianna turn to see her father smiling proudly at her. "It's time my dear. Nervous?" When Elisianna nodded, Adrian came over and kissed the top of her head. "You'll be fine darling. A little overwhelmed by all the heightened senses, but you have your family and Kaden to help you through the change." Adrian smiled and faced the door, crooking his arm out towards Elisianna. "Time to walk my daughter down the aisle."

        Elisianna swallowed and wrapped her hand around the crook of her father's arm just as the doors swung open. The wedding march played softly, dancing through the air that had a sweet aroma of the many flowers that decorated the 15th century cathedral. Candles were lit, casting a glow that danced against the marble floors and walls. Over a thousand people stood in the pews, dressed in elaborant formal clothes making everyone seem like royalty. Her eyes connected at the end of the walkway to wear Kaden stood facing her, a bright smile on his face. Behind him was the vampire official and behind the official was an elaborate full length mirror which she knew was for the changing ceremony. A row of seats book ended the mirror, and in front of them stood Kaden's family, the royal family.

        Her feet moved on her own, matching Adrian's, as they made their way down the aisle. People around her smiled at her politely and when she past her mother, she could hear faint cries coming from her. Elisianna's body seemed to vibrate, and her heart beat was slowing down. She felt not like herself and she knew instantly what was happening. Her family and Kaden timed this perfectly that right at the end of the wedding ceremony, she would change.

        They stopped right in front of Kaden, where Adrian turned, give his daughter a kiss, then went to sit with her children and mother. Kaden came down and grabbed her, smiling lovingly at her before taking her back up the small steps to the official. Damien stood next to Kaden, and next to Damien was a man that she hasn't gotten to know yet. Next to her was Nicole, who was all more than happy to be there for her best friend's change. Next to Nicole was Lucille, who after a year of living at the mansion, settled her differences with Elisianna when she felt her blood mate enter the world. Relieved and ecstatic, Lucille was completely over Kaden and was watching over her baby blood mate, who was born across seas.

        The wedding ceremony went by without a problem and beautifully. Throughout the wedding, Elisianna felt weaker and weaker. Kaden knew what she was going through and kept his hands on her waist, holding her up, supporting her. When their kiss came, Elisianna used what energy she had left to give him the most passionate, loving kiss she could. Kaden kissed her just as lovingly before turning to the official.

        The official raised his hands. "Now that the young couple is married, Elisianna takes the last step to join us in the vampire world. As Elisianna takes her last breath as a human, she will take her first breath as an immortal being of the night. Shall we welcome our sister, daughter, and mother into our family."

        "We welcome our sister, daughter, and mother into our family." The mass repeated, causing Elisianna to blink around. Kaden rubbed her arm comfortingly.

        The official nodded then raised a gold chalice above him. "With this cup, we shall feed Elisianna Dulemonte the blood of our people to start the transformation. Kaden, if you will?" The official placed the cup down and held a knife. Kaden stretched out his hand above the cup and stared into Elisianna. "With my blood, I welcome you into our family." Kaden smiled softly, not wincing a bit as the official sliced into his hand. Blood flowed into the cup a good minute, before Kaden drew back his hand. Damien handed him a hanker-chief, which he started to wipe away the blood, his hand already healing.

        The official raised the cup again, chanted something in Latin which the mass of the people in the building did so as well. He then handed the cup to Elisianna, who took it gingerly. "With this blood that you shall drink, you become what you are meant to be." The official patted the top of her head and bowed to her before stepping away.

        Elisianna looked into the cup, at Kaden's blood. Her heart started to pound as she felt a compelling draw towards the blood. Her lips started to tingle and her mouth started to go dry, causing Elisianna to lick her lips. Without a second thought, Elisianna took a drink of the blood, shocked that it was sweet and almost fruit like. A hint of strawberry flavor almost. Elisianna placed the cup on the table and then watched as the world around her spin. Kaden came over and wrapped his arms around his bride, to keep her from falling. He turned her toward the mirror.

        Elisianna watched as her body imperfections turned into perfections. Her skin became porcelain from the top of her head down to her toes. Her hair became thicker and had a slight shine to it, her split ends no more. Her red lips became redder and her nails grew to a perfect length. Her body felt refreshed and felt stronger. As she stared at her eyes, she watched them turn into a bright gold color. Blinking, Elisianna realized she could see the small cracks in the mirror that she couldn't see before. Dust in the wind she could easily see every particle. Colors were brighter and she could see different hues in them. Kaden's hands on her skin, she could feel every ridge of his fingerprint. The material of her dress felt soft and cool against every part of her skin she could feel.

        A heartbeat could be easily heard and Elisianna turned toward it. Nicole. Kaden chuckled as Elisianna bit her lip and Nicole smiled nervously at her. "She's not food, love." Kaden said below his breath and realized it was barely a sound but she heard it perfectly. Elisianna realized she hasn't been breathing for the last two minutes and started to freak out before she realized, her body was retaliating against it. She was fine not breathing. She felt another hand on her and looked over her shoulder to see the official smiling at her. "Welcome Elisianna Dulemonte!" He yelled, causing the mass to whoop and hollar, clapping their hands.

        Kaden grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. "You are mine forever now. My bloodmate, my wife." With that, he kissed his vampire wife for the first time, but definitely not for the last time. Elisianna was home.

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