chapter two

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Bright yellow eyes darted from one picture to another that were scattered across the mahogany desk. The eyes darted from the pictures to the drawings that were taped in numerous areas on the wall above the desk. The main focus of all the drawings and pictures were of the same female that has been hunting Kaden's mind for many many years. Corrie Dawton. Kaden has memorized all of her details and every arch and curve of her body. He knew where she has lived the past decade and he also knew that she was in search of him.

A knock interrupted Kaden's thoughts and the door open to show his best friend, Damien. "My prince.." Damien bowed and then sat down on the edge of Kaden's bed.

"How many times have I told you Damien, that you don't have to address me so formally. You are, after all, my closest friend." Kaden turned around and leaned against the desk, facing Damien. "Anyways, what brings you here?"

"She's here. Lucian told her about me and so far she has contacted my agent about a photo shoot. She's coming to kill me." Damien chuckled. "She is a feisty one. Saw her last night having two guns under her head as she sleeps. What do you want us to do?"

Kaden turned around and smiled at the pictures of the beautiful woman that hunts his dreams and his thoughts. "I can't believe it. She's finally so close and away from those bastards... When she comes to your house Damien, act like you don't know who she is. I trust that when she strikes, that you will be ready and you will capture her. She better come back unharmed also, Damien."

"Of course. There will not be a scratch on her. Do you think she has any slightest idea of her past?" Damien stood up from the bed and walked to the window, looking out at the vast city before it.

"No. Not at all. If she did, she wouldn't be doing what she is. But my goal is to bring back those memories." Kaden affectionately rubbed one of the pictures of Corrie. "She will remember..."

Damien took that as the time to leave. Before disappearing out of the door, Damien stopped and looked back. "She will be here by tonight. I promise, Kaden." With that Damien disappeared out of the door.

Kaden sat back down at his desk and picked up his favorite picture of Corrie. "This night is the night i have been waiting for for the last fifteen years."


Corrie tugged at her sweater dress, making sure that the gold knife was hidden in her leggings under the sweater dress. Satisfied, Corrie knocked on Damien's door while taking a deep breath. After a few minutes of no answer, Corie knocked again. Once again no answer. Corrie reached out to the door handle and slowly turned it, finding out that the door was not locked. Gingerly, Corrie opened the door and slowly walked in, her eyes glancing here and there for a sign of Damien. "Hello! Damien Westont? It's Sarah Lopez. I'm here from the magazine. We have an appointment.."

Corrie still heard no answer, which caused Corrie's heart to start beating wildly. In her head, she started counting to calm her nerves. Soon she looked through all of the first floor without seeing Damien. Silently, Corrie ascended the staircase up to the second floor, where she could hear faint rock music coming behind a closed door. Corrie headed to the door and opened it. She peeked her head. "Hello? Damien?" Corrie walked in when she didn't get a reply.

Corrie looked around the white bedroom. On the built in bookshelves were pictures of Damien with a handsome man. The handsome man was the prince. The man she was looking for. Instantly, happiness filled Corrie. She was in the right place. She was close to getting her best hit. Corrie picked up the picture and smiled at it, imagining the many different ways that she could kill him.

"Miss Lopez, you do know it is a crime for intruding into private property without invitation inside."

Corrie yelped and dropped the picture frame. The sound of glass breaking made Corrie's heart fall. She turned around and her heart skipped a beat. Damien stood naked in front of her with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His skin and hair was wet as if he just got out of a shower. Damien smirked and then moved closer to Corrie, causing Corrie to back into the bed, causing her to fall down onto it. Damien chuckled as he picked up the broken picture frame. "you owe me for this frame. It was a gift from a friend of mine. Priceless too."

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