Chapter Ten

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Hey guys!

So I hope you guys didn't think that it was jsut gonna be oh so fine and dandy after they finally had sex.


Relationships don't work like that. Plus this story would be so boring without relationship drama :P

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P.S , I'm sorry I haven't been updating as frequently as I used to. I recently downloaded sims to my laptop and been playing that like non stop. Can't wait for sims 4 :P So sorry, but dont give up on me. I havent forgotten about you guys.

xoxo Juju


Elisianna was furious.

Why do you ask? Because it has been a month since she slept in Kaden's bed and he hasn't spoken to her once. In fact, she hasn't seen him at all. It wasn't until the third week that she didn't see him, that Damien informed her that he has left for business with his parents and wont be back for another month.

She was sad about this. Sad and furious. Sad that she won't be able to see Kaden, even though she was mad at him, because Elisianna knew that she was going to miss him. Fuck, she already did. Elisianna was furious also due to the fact tat Kaden didn't say a word to her about leaving or how long he was going to be. Elisianna was starting to feel like Kaden was either embarrassed about what happened or he was just ignoring her.

The good news is, when Kaden broke up with Lucille right before her, he actually did break it off. Rumors have been flying around the mansion that Lucille has been coping in her room for a week, non stop crying, and apparently throwing shit around. It was news that satisfied Elisianna. Yet, Elisianna knew that Lucille was never going to stop trying to get with Kaden or win him back. Elisianna also knew that she will never win.

Elisianna forced herself back to reality as she watched the little vampire children playing and studying in the classroom. She was the new teacher at the mansion due to the fact that the old teacher found her blood mate in some other country and moved close to him. It still amazed Elisianna what you would do for your blood mate and how emotionally and physically tied to them you are.

Just then her cell phone rang. She was surprised to see her best friend Nicole's name across the screen. Instantly, her body went numb and cold. Did Zach tell her about me? Did she turn on her also? Is she calling to yell at her? Elisianna almost didn't want to pick up, yet her finger pushed the answer button anyways and put the smart phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Aw Jesus! Thank the fucking Gods you are okay! I haven't heard from you! I know everything about you Corrie! How you are a vampire! Man I still can't believe that my best friend is a vamp. My family is going to call me nutszo for staying your friend." Nicole's southern drawl was a sweet melody to her ears.

Instantly, Elisianna was calmed. Nicole wasn't going to turn out to be like Zach. "So you don't hate me? Oh and my real name is Elisianna"

"Girl why would I hate you! You have been my best friend since elementary school! I don't give a shit if you are a vampire! Just don't eat me or suck my blood when you go full alright? We will be all fine and dandy if you don't." Nicole laughed causing Elisianna to laugh along with her.

"Yeah I promise I won't suck on your southern blood Nicole. So is that why you called? Just to see if I was alright?"

Silence on the other end told Elisianna two things. one, something was terribly wrong. Two, something was going to upset her. She was right.

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