Chapter Fourteen

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Hey guys!

        So I finally got an idea where I want to go with this action pact part of the book...mostly. I will be going back and forth between Bound by Blood and Subscribe to Me in updates. I gave myself an order to not start any other books until this one is finish because when I finish this book, itll be the first one I have ever finished! It's a goal!

Also if you enjoy quirkiness and YouTube, you might want to start reading Subscribe to Me.

so vote, comment, share with friends, and especially enjoy!

Love, Jennatalia


        The walls were painted white concrete and the floors were white tiled inside the building, making Elisianna start having the feeling that the children weren't just in a prison, but also an experiment that were being tested on. This made her stomach do flip flops as she quietly made here way through the surprisingly empty hallway, ducking and crawling pass every door that a half its size window was in. When she got to the first corner where she knew there was a security camera in the corner, here hand went to her pocket. Inside it was a small device that she clicked that would jam any electrical device within the radius of the device.

        With just a short time, Elisianna ran passed the security camera, her boots making small sounds that seemed way to loud in her ears. Soon the machine beeped once, telling her that all devices were back to working. Elisianna memorized the blueprints to this place, knowing every position of every security camera, guard station, and where they assumed they were holding up the children seeing as it was one big room surrounded by barred gold walls and a guard post at every corner. That was going to be the fun part.

        Elisianna jogged passed another corner just to be stopped in her place. There was Jasper,  who stopped in his place also when he saw her. Jasper was a classmate of hers all throughout high school and they completed training together. He was blonde and blue eyed and Elisianna at one point had a slight interest in him. Yet, right now she was afraid of him. Standing up tall, Elisianna slowly placed a hand on her utility belt over the taser she brought. "Jasper... I don't want to hurt you..."

        "Corrie...I...I don't want to hurt you also, but it's my orders that if I see you, I have too seeing as you are one of them." Jasper, reached to his gun, placing his hand there. He looked conflicted and Elisianna could understand his feelings as to why, seeing as she was also conflicted. "I don't have to hurt you...You can just willingly give yourself up and be joined with the other vampire kids."

        "That's where you are wrong, Jasper. They aren't vampires yet. They are human children. And I am not giving up in saving them." With that Elisianna rushed towards Jasper, pulling out her taser and as soon as she got in distance of Jasper, pulled the trigger, watching as it connected with Jasper and his body start to shake, his gun falling out of his hand, and soon he was on his knees. Knowing that he wasn't going to be feeling the effects of being tased soon, Elisianna rushed over too him, grabbed his head, and smashed it into the wall beside her, tell she knew he be unconscious.

        Elisianna knelt next to the body, rubbed Jasper's hair slightly from his face before feeling his pulse to make sure that she didn't kill him. Satisfied to feel one, Elisianna sighed. "I didn't want to do this to you Jasper." Another brush of his hair, before Elisianna stood up grabbed his body and dragged it to the closest place where she could stash it, which was a empty room that held two hospital beds, a surgery table, and a closet. Elisianna stuffed Jasper into the closet before looking around. They were definitely not planning on just holding the children until killing them. They were going to experiment on them also.

        Leaving the room and passing the blood spot on the wall, Elisianna continued making her way to where they were holding the children. She found the stairway that headed down to the lower floor, where she reached onto her shirt where the microphone was, turned it on, and spoke to Damien and Kaden. "Heading to the lower level now. Everything is going fine so far."

        "Got into a little snag, but wasn't a big problem. Looking for the stairs now." Damien's voice held a slight amused tone to it, causing Elisianna to think that he was enjoying himself right now.

        "No problem so far. Already in the lower level. Watch out, doctors in lab coats are roaming around." Kaden's voice was a whisper.

        Elisianna made her way down the flight of stairs and checked through the window of the door to see a few doctors roaming about, causing Elisianna to curse softly. They didn't know about the doctors. Then a plan formed in her head and she waited for a lone doctor to be close to her. Just then a long doctor in scrubs turned the corner, their back to the door. Elisianna flung open the door, grabbed the doctor from behind, placed a hand over their mouth, and dragged them back into the stairway.

        Elisianna wrapped an arm around the person's neck, keeping the other hand over their mouth, and waited until the person went slacked in her arms to let go of them. Checking the pulse, and feeling one, Elisianna stripped the person of their scrubs and placed them on over her outfit. Checking around, Elisianna saw a small space under the bottom stairs where Elisianna dragged the body too, and pushed into the space, making sure none of it was seen before standing up.

        Slowly, Elisianna sneaked out of the stairway and into the mass maze of halls again. If she didn't memorize the blueprints, she would have been lost by now by the many turns and rooms. She ran her hands over the white scrub top and bottoms, before check that her the scrub footies was covering her black boots and the scrub hat covered all of her hair. She wore a face mask also and hoped that the full on surgery outfit wasn't out of place.

        She started walking towards where the second stairway would be that led down to the second floor that was underground where the guards slept, ate, and did whatever they wanted. It was there that she could find a key to opening the gate locks. Well, she hoped at least. Elisianna walked at a normal place, glancing up at the security cameras for a brief second, wondering if she was going to trigger any alarm. She didn't. Not even when other doctors walked by her and gave her a swift nod, which she returned.

        It wasn't long until she made her way to the second set of stairs leading lower and she cursed again when this door had a security lock on it, which you needed an ID card to get in. Elisianna checked the scrub pockets in which she found a ID card. Hoping that it was what she need, Elisianna swiped the card. A beep was heard, then another one, then another, before finally the red light flashed green and a sound of the door unlocking was sweet music to Elisianna. She ducked in, looked around for anyone and then shrugged off the scrubs, keeping the ID card.

        "Already in the second staircase. Heading down to the guards quarters." Whispering into the microphone, Elisianna made her way down the stairs quietly.

        "How the hell did you do that so quickly? I'm still stuck here waiting for doctors to pass and disrupting camera feed! I'm still not even close. Elisianna stay in the stairway. Wait for me." Kaden's voice was demanding in her ear, causing her to frown.

        "I'll be fine. Apparently, I made it through a doctor's mine field without getting notice. I'll be fine in a guard's level too." Elisianna didn't mean to sound like a whiny child trying to prove herself, but it came out that way, which both men picked up.

        "Kaden's right, Liss. Doctors are easy. Guards are hard to get past. Stay there. We will meet up there." Damien voice was also demanding, causing anger to fill Elisianna. How dare they treat her like she couldn't do it.

        "Eli, love. Please. Don't continue without at least one of us." Kaden's voice turned desperate, almost filled with fear.

        "Sorry guys... But one person will be less suspicious than two or three. I will be fine." Elisianna took a quick breath and ignored Damien and Kaden's frantic "no!" "Elisianna don't!" "Stop!" "Don't move!"

        Elisianna took a deep breath and headed out into the guard's living quarters against her true love's orders.

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