Chapter Four

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Hey guys!

So how you like the story so far? What do you hope to see? Send your answers in the comments and I hope you like my story! How would you take it if you were told that your life was just a joke?

read on jujubes!

xoxo Juju


 Kaden looked at the sleeping Corrie that was in his bed. He felt bad for what he said a few days ago. He basically told her that vampires didn't look at vampire hunters as a threat but an easy way out of the life they were born in or turned into. He rubbed his hair, a habit he did when he was either nervous or stressed. What he told her basically made her into the girl she was now. Just a silent mute of a depressed girl who hasn't even left the bed other to go to the bathroom. Kaden tried many times to spark conversations with her or to get her to cheer up, but what are you going to do when you destroyed the girl.

A soft knock on the door, inaudible to humans, yet clear enough for vampires, awoke Kaden from his thoughts. Soon, a servant came in and curtsied to her master before walking up to him. "Prince Kaden, I'm worried about the girl..."

"Why?" Kaden looked at Corrie and how her hair was a mess, she was still in the clothes that she came in with, even though Kaden had clothes delivered just for her.

"She hasn't eaten anything... Many a times, her tray of food is untouched. If she continues like this...She won't live long."

Kaden sighed and rubbed his temples. This girl was starting to be a problem. His plan was going all wrong. "I'll change that don't worry. You may leave." Kaden watched as the servant curtsied again and then vanished from the room. Leaning against the desk, Kaden figured it was time to not be mister nice guy anymore...________________________

Corrie woke with a start as she couldn't breathe. Somehow she ended up in water and Corrie lifted her head and broke the surface, gasping for air. "What the hell!" Corrie looked around and noticed that she was in the bathtub in Kaden's bathroom. Soapy water stuck to her skin and clothes as she sat up.

"Bath time, Corrie. It's time that we get you out of your slump."

Corrie looked over and saw Kaden standing next to the tub, his arms crossed. She huffed and looked away. "Why, I'm a joke anyways."

A heart stopping sound of tiles breaking made her jump. Looking back at Kaden, Corrie's eyes grew wide. There was Kaden, his arm outstretched, and his fist was in a newly made crater that was in the wall. "Stop it. You are not a joke. I hate hearing you say that over and over again about yourself!" Kaden's voice was filled with anger and a tinge of sadness, which confused Corrie.

Corrie just turned her head and looked at the water. She didn't understand why she felt like she had to, but Corrie felt like apologizing. "I'm sorry..."

The sudden movement next to the tub captured Corrie's attention and she looked towards it. Kaden has dropped to his knees next to the bathtub and reached out towards her, causing Corrie to flinch away from him, making Kaden drop his hand into the water. His next words caused a stir in her heart.

"Corrie...I'm worried about you. You haven't eaten anything. You been in the clothes you came here in. You just sleep and stay in that bed. I didn't bring you here so you can slowly kill yourself. I brought you here for a specific reason, that I don't think you are ready for yet. Please, just please. Try to look at this not as a prison, but as a vacation or something comforting. You need to stop being like this. I bought you clothes, wear them. If food is brought, eat it. The quicker you work with me, the quicker you can get out of this room."

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