Chapter Three

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Hey guys!

I just realized that I haven't done this yet aha! What have you thought of the story so far? Do you think I'm rushing a bit? Do you like my characters so far? Anyone else a huge Jensen Ackles fangirl that dreams of being his girlfriend like i do? Leave your answers in the comments and thanks for reading my story! Hope you guys enjoy!

Read on Jujubes!

xoxo Juju


Corrie felt softness under her and she was beyond comfy. She didn't know how she got back to the hotel and she didn't remember what happened after going to Damien's place. The air smelled sweet, almost as if the room service came in while she was sleeping and lit a wonderful smelling candle or just sprayed the air with a special scented fa breeze. Whatever it was caused a smile to appear on Corrie's face.

It was then she noticed that her arms were outstretched and so were her legs. She never slept like this in her life. She then felt the cloth that was wrapped around her wrists and ankles. It was then that Corrie woke up with a start. Her eyes flew open instantly to see that she was in a massive king size bed that had four posts and a crimson silk covering the top and draping around all four sides of her. She couldn't see past the silk, yet she could see faint glows of lights through it.

Her heart started to race as she tugged at her restrains. Whoever tied her up was good at tying knots. It then came to Corrie. Damien. Memories came back to her. The sandwich. How he knew who she was. Blacking out. Corrie silently cursed at herself. She was an idiot. She got distracted by his naked body and then confused when he made her, her favorite lunch. Of course Damien knew what she liked. He probably had little vampire spies spying on her and knew everything about her.

Corrie shook her head, clearing her mind of the blame game. Instead, she looked at her restraints trying to figure out how she was going to get out of them. That is when she heard a door, probably the one to this room, open up. Corrie quickly closed her eyes and slowed her breathing as too act like she was sleeping again.

She followed the sound of movement of the person that came into the room and knew that the person was closing in onto the bed. Her heart started to pound fast and hard, knowing that she couldn't do anything to protect herself. She was vulnerable and she was an easy target.

"Relax... No one is going to hurt you here. I promise."

The voice sounded like liquid honey that rolled over her body in sweet stickiness. The voice was deep and smooth as whiskey. She knew without seeing the vampire that it was Kaden. The Prince. All this time she waited for this moment. To be in the same room as him. Yet, in her mind, it was a little different and she wasn't tied up. Instead she would cut off his head and then bring the head back to show the community. But that wasn't going to happen. At least not right now.

"If no one is going to hurt me then why am I tied up?" Corrie snickered and then shut up as the silk curtain drew back to reveal the most handsome, pantie dropping, sexy as fuck vampire she has ever seen. She didn't know why, but warmth spread over her body and she felt her breathing quicken. It quicken even more when Kaden sat down next to her. She almost hyperventilated when he chuckled.

"Sweetheart, you are not tied up as a snack. You are tied up as so none of us gets hurt." Kaden smiled. "Damien said you were a feisty one and plus we know how well of a....hunter you are." Kaden voice drew dark and his features turned that of an pissed off person when he said the word 'hunter', causing Corie to be confused but then she realized that all vampires hate hunters.

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