chapter one

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"Where is he, you filthy bloodsucking bitch? Where is that fucking prince every last one of you praise so highly?"

Corrie's brown eyes stared into the bright yellow eyes of the vampire she had tied up for the interrogation. She was across the table, leaning towards the vampire, hands gripping the edge as to not do anything rash. She was annoyed. This was the fourth vampire she caught this week and she wasn't any closer to finding the prince of vamps than she was when she caught zero vampires. None of them would talk and most of them would laugh at her and show their fangs, which the one in front of her did so just then.

"Why would I tell you anything, hunter? I am a vampire. I am sworn to my royal family. I am a loyal servant of theirs. You won't find one vampire that will speak against them. You can just give up, hunter. Just kill me now." The vampire sat back in his chair, as if he was sitting at home, relaxed and no care in the world. His fangs mocking her as he grinned at her, taking a second to shake the dirty, sweaty lock of long black hair away from his face.

Corrie, annoyed now to no point of return, slammed a gold knife into the middle of the vampire's hand, causing a loud reverberating yell of pain to escape the vampire's mouth, followed by hard breathing. Corrie watched, in small glee, as the vampire's skin start to turn black around the area of the knife wound and then small veins of black travel up his arm. Gold was the only poison to vampires and one fatal strike to the heart with a gold weapon or bullet could kill one. That or beheading. Corrie still was amazed at something so common could kill something so dark and evil. She figured that if the knowledge of her hunting community was past to every living soul, vampires would be a legend.

Her eyes went back to the vampire and then a smile appeared on her face. "I would gladly kill you, but I want to make you suffer for a bit. You still have time to answer the simple question. Where. Is. Your. Prince?" Corrie stood up and crossed her arms, looking down at the vampire and the poison coursing through him. "Or I will take an answer of someone that is close to him. Give me a name of a vampire that is close to him and I will let you live."

His bright eyes flashed up and was noticeably filled with pain. He clenched his teeth and growled before leaning his head back. The vampire cursed over and over again before a long exhale of breath. "Fine! Fine I will tell you something! Just take the goddamn knife out of my hand!"

excited for a lead finally, Corrie took the knife out of the vampire's hand and kept it clenched in her hand. Finally something was going to get her closer to the biggest target she would have ever taken down. Finally the vampire hunting community would look at her as an equal and as one of the big guys. She was tired of being told that she was only able to take down the small vamps. The nothings. That she should stay back at camp like the other females. She knew she was more than that. More than just a female that would cook a hunter's breakfast or make more male hunters."What do you know and I will let you live."

"Damien Westont! Damien Westont is the Prince's best friend! if you get him, you will draw the prince out! Damien is like a brother to the prince! That's all I'm going to tell you!" The vampire closed his eyes, breathing hard, the veins of black starting to fade slightly and the wound in his hand starting to heal.

"Well...Thank you for the information. I do appreciate it. But, I am a hunter. I do not let vamps stay alive." With that, Corrie slammed the gold knife into the chest of the vampire and watched as the body started to deteriorate in front of her, until all that was in the chair was a pile of ash, hair, and clothing. Corrie wiped the knife off on her pants and turned around to be faced by her own best friend, Zach. "What are you doing here?" Corrie moved around him and up the stairway into the main room of the jail that Corrie set in an abandon building about two miles from the camp.

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