Chapter Thirteen

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Hey guys!

I know I said that this was on hold BUT I figured I have let you guy down way too much and bare with me because this might be an anti climatic start to the most important part of the book. I'm running on no idea right now and just what comes to me.

Well continue onto the story!

love, Jennatalia (PS. Yes this is my new name. )


        Nicole popped up the collar of her trench coat and applied another layer of bright red lipstick. She was sitting in a transport truck that she 'kindly' took from a male that was going to deliver food to the prison. Well more like Eli and Kaden took the truck and she was just suppose to drive it to the prison. The ride was slow and yet Nicole was more worried about her passengers she was transporting than time or going fast. When she got to the gates, the nerves started to travel from her stomach to all around her body, making Nicole have second thoughts if she could do this. She had too when a guard came up and tapped on the window. Rolling down the window, Nicole plastered a seductive smile on her face.

        "I haven't seen your face before. Do you have authorization badge to get in here?" The guard looked at her with a suspicious look on his face, his hands holding a clipboard.

        "Of course I do, sugar. By the way, that uniform looks mighty good on you. Let me just look for the badge." Nicole winked at the man and mentally sighed a relief when she saw a blush form on the guard's face and a small smile appear. She reached over to the glove box, feeling thankful that they grabbed the badge off the guy, even happier when the badge weren't picture badges, and grabbed the badge before showing it to the man. "Does this work for you, honey?"

        The guard looked over the list of codes and the smiled when he saw the code. "Yeah it sure does. Ill have to have you step out of the truck. Mandatory truck check."

        "Of course, honey. Anything for a handsome man like you." With a wink, Nicole stepped out of the truck, making sure to make it as seductive and charming as possible. She was wearing a short dress underneath the trench coat to make her long legs available just for that moment. It worked. She could tell by how his eyes watched her with passion.

        He cleared his throat and waved the other guards to do their part. "So, why haven't I seen someone as lovely as you around?"

        Nicole came over and stood close to the guard. "I'm just filling in for someone that is sick. Pretty close friends with Zach. I'm glad that I did fill in, I got to meet someone so handsome like you." Nicole practically purred to him as she trailed her fingers down his arm and grabbed his hand. Reaching into her coat pocket, she grabbed a pen and used her mouth to uncap it. Soon 'her' digits were on his hand. "When you are off of work, call me, sugar. We can go talk more about each other."

        "Oh...uh...yeah of course. You can go through now! Guys! She's clear." The guard kept his eyes on her and then raised his voice to shout at the guards that were checking the truck. The backed away from it. He then looked at the number. "Thanks, I'll make sure to call you. Have a nice day."

        "I will now that I know I'll be hearing from you, sugar!" Nicole smiled, giggled, then skipped happily to the truck, got in, and pulled into the prison ground when the gates were open. Nicole parked along side the other trucks that were in the unloading dock. Soon men came out and started unloading. Nicole made sure to keep the men preoccupied as Kaden, Elisianna, and Damien slid quietly and unnoticed from under the truck, where they been hanging under since they stole the truck.

        Kaden and Damien quickly went around silently and deadly to every guard, hitting them in just the right place to make them go unconcious. Soon, they were piling them into the back of the truck behind stacked boxes. As this was being done, Elisianna came to stand next to Nicole. "Good job Nicole!" Elisianna smiled and hugged her best friend. "You were great!"

        "I was shaking the whole time, but glad I did my part. Now I'll sit here, in the truck and if anyone comes along, I'll flirt and occupy! Wait til you come back with the children, and we be on our way!" Nicole smiled, heading towards the driver's seat and climbed. Elisianna followed her to it, patting the truck side.

        "That's right. If anything goes wrong, get the hell out of here. I don't want you hurt." Eli glared up at her friend as to say don't fight with her. Nicole got the message.

        "Please. The first time I see anything wrong or any trouble, I'll skedaddle. It's hard running in heels anyways." Nicole's tongue stuck out at Elisianna just as Damien and Kaden came over.

         Damien chuckled and jumped onto the side of the truck, holding onto the top to keep himself up, as he leaned his head into the window and kissed Nicole's cheek. "You were amazing dear! Stay safe now."

        Nicole blushed to the point where her face was a red as a tomato. "Th..thanks Damien!" Her hand went up to her cheek as she giggled. Damien chuckled with her.

        "Okay you two. Enough. Not time for that right now. We got to go." Kaden crossed his arms and huffed. He couldn't believe how lightly they are taking this right now.

        Elisianna looked at Kaden and nodded. "Kaden's right. Time to get serious. We are splitting up now right?"

        Kaden looked at Elisianna and bit his lip. "Damien can go by himself, but I feel better being with you, Eli." He came over and grabbed her cheeks, staring into her eyes. "I am not letting you out of my sight after you did your little run away stunt."

        Elisianna pushed away his hands after giving his wrists a quick kiss. "I'll be fine. I trained with these guys. I know their tactics, their moves, and practically everything about them. It'll be easier for us to split three ways so we can get to the children faster. I got the earphone and microphone right here." She placed the earphone into her ear and the microphone onto her collar. "Just whoever finds the children, tell us and we all will come meet up there."

        "Elisianna is right, Kaden." Damien stepped down and patted Elisianna on the back. "She will be fine. Well no more time for chit chat. I'm off to my side of the building." Damien jogged away before using his vampire speed around the side of the building, leaving only a slight swoosh sound in the air and a slight breeze.

        Kaden sighed and came over to Elisianna, giving her a passionate kiss. "Please be safe. Don't be afraid to call for me if you need help. I can't lose you again." His words were against her lips, his forehead against hers, his eyes staring into hers. "I love you."

        Those three words made Elisianna take an intake of air and second guess everything. "I love you too.." came out before she even knew it, causing a sad smile to appear on Kaden's face. "Go. I'll be fine. We need to hurry up."

        Kaden gave her one last kiss, backing up, not keeping his eyes off her, until in a split second, he was gone. Elisianna stood there for a second, before heading to her side of the prison and sneaking inside a steal door where the men, that are in the truck now, came from.

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