Chapter Seven

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Hey Guys!

OOO what is Kaden talking about? What is a blood mate? well you guys will have to read on to see! and ooo new character! Jealous much hmm! What is this going to add to the story? Read on and see :P

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Read on Jujubes!

xoxo Juju


After finding out that she was a vampire and that she was home, Elisianna started to earn her keep at the mansion. She helped her mom in the kitchen, preparing food for the children and the older vampires that haven't reached full vampire yet. She refused to go to the basement where they kept the humans that volunteered to be a blood bank for the full vamps.

When she wasn't helping her mother, she was helping her dad in the garden. planting flowers, watering, the works. Elisianna and her parents were getting closer by the minute. Except she felt empty. Ever since the minute that Kaden left her in the auditorium, she hasn't seen him or talked to him for a week. Every time that she did see him from a distance, Lucille would glare at her and drag him away, making a show that he was hers. She didn't understand why she felt twinges of jealousy every time.

What he said about her was still fresh in her mind. Blood mate. What the hell was a blood mate? Elisianna wanted so badly to ask him, yet she hasn't had a chance at all and it was eating her.

After getting her memories back, she moved from Kaden's room to her old one that somehow over the course of two days, went from a little kids room, to a full blown adult bedroom. Her single bed turned into a queen size bed, all the dolls and doll house was replaced by a desk with a pretty expensive computer on it and a huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall.

Her walk in closet was filled with all new clothing in her taste of liking and also her size. She wondered if Kaden did it for her or if someone else did. It was Damien that came out and said that he did it seeing as Kaden was a little preoccupied. Other than having Lucille as a ball and chain right now, with his parents home, he had to do some royal business with them and political stuff. Elisianna wasn't going to lie to herself. She somewhat missed him but kept busy to keep her mind off him.

That's how she got to what she was doing that day. The schools' teacher was out of town for the day and Elisianna volunteered to sub. She was busy teaching the adorable children when all the children stood up out of the blue and bowed. Turning towards the door, Elisianna was faced with the woman that was on the stage the day in the auditorium. Kaden's mother the queen. All of a sudden, Elisianna got nervous.

"Elisianna. Please take a walk with me." Her voice was mesmorizing and beautiful just like her appearence. Yet, her face showed no emotion.

"But the children..."

The queen faced the children. "School is cancelled for today. You are free to go."

"Yes your majesty!" The children replied, bowed again and started packing there stuff before leaving, saying goodbyes to Elisianna.

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