Chapter Twelve

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Hey guys!

Sorry that I haven't been on or updated in MONTHS. Been dealing with depression, college, relationship issues, a death in the family, sickness, the works. I really want to get back into writing so I'm going to try my hardest to do so. Hope you guys forgive me!

xoxo Juju


        "For the last time Dami, You are fine. Stop apologizing for last night. Jesus. It wasn't as if you actually wanted to do all that stuff last night. It was just the blood." Elisianna was annoyed. For the past hour and a half, Damien has been constantly apologizing to her and looking like a sad puppy dog. It was definitely getting on her nerves. She already forgave him for what happen a hundred times over. She really wished at that moment that Kaden would get back.

        Kaden left two hours ago after breakfast saying that he was going to go stake out the place in daylight. She was a little worried, yet knew that Kaden would be fine. He was the prince and probably a few hundred years old. Definitely had more knowledge about how to sneak around than any hunter at this point. At the same time though, Elisianna was upset. She wanted to make things better. She wanted to be there with him, so that she could save the children. Why? Because Elisianna still felt like it was her fault all this was happening.

        Elisianna's fingers played with the soft cotton sheets on the bed as she sat cross legged on it. Damien was her babysitter while Kaden was out and she knew this due to the fact that before Kaden left, she heard him tell Damien to watch her. As if she couldn't take care of herself. After last night, Elisianna felt as if Kaden became hundred times more protective of her. He wouldn't let her open the curtains because someone might see her, he had to take a bite of every part of her breakfast to make sure it wasn't poisoned, he had to have his best friend watch her while he was gone. Which Elisianna thought was stupid. Damien could be out scouting or doing something productive other than watching her.

        "I know, I know. I'm sorry Eli." Damien covered his eyes, rubbed his face a little before sighing and dropping his hands. He stood next to the door that was the exit for Elisianna. Bodyguard stance and all.

        "Stop fucking saying sorry! God damn Dami. You are pissing me off! We are fine. You are fine. Now will you shut up and actually go do something. I don't need a babysitter." Elisianna shot a death glare at Dami before getting out of bed.

        She was already dressed in her usual wear for combat. Her body was molded by a black leather bodysuit and her feet adorn knee high black combat boots that hid at least five different blades in them. Which the blades that were usually gold, were now replaced with regular blades. Around her waist was a utility belt that adorn her favorite gun, the bullets also replaced with regular ones.

        "I am not going to have Kaden kill me for letting you out of this room. I'm not about to die for something so trivial." Damien moved himself in front of the door and crossed his arms.

        "Fine. Then I just have to be creative." Elisianna grabbed her phone and started dialing in a number that she knew quite well.

        "What are you doing?" Damien glared at her, keeping his position at the door but looked at unease.

        Elisianna just stared at Damien as she heard the phone tone, waiting for her to pick up. A sudden stop of the tones made Elisianna smile. "Hey girl!"

        "Oh my god! I thought you died on me! You just hung up before and wouldn't even tell me what you were going to do! I was about to heave a heart attack!" Nicole practically screamed at Elisianna, causing Elisianna to wince.

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