Chapter Eight

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Hey guys!

I love that everyone is liking my story and that everyone is really getting into it! It makes me happy to make you guys happy :)

So Zach appeared! Ready to start up a fight and save the day. So sad he doesn't know about "Corrie"

Let's see what happens :)

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read on Jujubes!

xoxo Juju!


 "Zach what the fuck are you doing here?"

Elisianna stared at her best friend, wondering if this was just a dream and he wasn't really there. She knew it was real, though, when Zach came and hugged her. She nonchalantly wrapped her arms around him, still not believing that he was there. His words about worrying if she was dead or hurt by the vampires, caused her to come to reality. "Zach I'm fine. They didn't do anything to me."

"Then let's get out of here. This place creeps me out." Zach shuttered and started tugging on Elisianna's arm towards the front door. Elisianna stood her ground, causing Zach to stop pulling and look at her as if she just shot him. "What the hell Corrie. We need to get out of here right now!"

"She isn't going anywhere."

Elisianna's heart skipped a beat when she heard the beautiful voice that spoke those words. She turned around on the stairs, looking up at a Kaden, dressed to impress in a 4 piece suit, coming slowly down the stairs, stopping about five steps above Elisianna's step. His eyes glared at Zach as if he wanted the man dead.

Glancing at Zach, Elisianna could see the same look on his face. His words confirmed his anger. "Shut the fuck up you filthy son of a bitch. I am taking her back home even if I have to kill you to do it."

In a flash, Kaden had Zach's throat in the clutch of his hand, his head pushed into the floor, his body straddling on Zach's. "She is home! You fucking hunters are not taking her again! Ever!" Kaden's voice was a growl and Elisianna swore she almost saw his gold eyes flash like lightning.

Zach stared up at Kaden, his body convulsing.

"Kaden! He can't breathe!" Elisianna ran to Kaden and grabbed his suit jacket, tugging hard, trying to get Kaden off of Zach. "Kaden! Please! He's my best friend!"

As if those words calmed him instantly, Kaden let go of Zach's throat and stood up, taking a few steps away from Zach's body.

Zach coughed and got onto all fours, taking deep gulps of air. "You son of a bitch.. I'm going to kill you for that." His voice was raspy and Zach staggered when he stood up, glaring at Kaden.

"I like to see you try to kill me..."Kaden growled, crossing his arms and glared right back at Kaden. "She isn't leaving."

Zach looked at Elisianna."Corrie..."

"Zach...I have a lot of stuff to tell you. Starting with my name isn't Corrie. It's actually Elisianna Druse. I'm not leaving here because this is my home. Zach...I'm a vampire." Elisianna went over to Zach, placing her hands on his arms, causing him to flinch slightly.

"What? No that's not true at all. Did that mother fucker brainwash you? You are clearly human.."

"What did you call me, fucker?" Kaden growled and took a step towards Zach, his hands clenched at his sides. The only thing stopping him from beating the shit out of Zach was Elisianna shooting a glance at Kaden, telling him to cool it, before looking back at Zach.

"No one brain washed me Zach. Vampires are born human. They live as a human til they are 25. I was taken from here when I was a kid. The Dawton's took me..."

"No...I don't believe it. You are telling me that I have been best friends with a fucking vampire...That I actually had fucked a vampire!"

Kaden growled, ran his hands through his hair, then walked past them, undoing his tie, glaring at Zach as he passed. "I don't want to listen to this fucker anymore. Take care of this shit, then come see me Elisianna." With that, Kaden walked up the stairs then seemed to do the vampire supersonic speed the rest of the way.

The whole time, Lucille stood on the steps, watching the whole thing with jealousy. Elisianna took it, Lucille wanted Kaden to fight over her. Elisianna felt sort of a satisfaction with that realization. She then looked back at Zach. "Zach..."

"No don't Zach me. I can't believe this is fucking happening. I am in love with a vampire! Something I am suppose to hate and suppose to hunt. This is fucking shit!" Zach looked around, probably trying to find something to punch in anger. He found a plant and punched it to the ground, the porcelain pot holding it shattering into a million pieces.

"Zach, I'm still the same person... I didn't know about any of this at all until I came here. I'm still the same best friend that has been there for you." Elisianna went to him, grabbing Zach's hand, hurt when he pulled it from her grasp and back away.

"No. You aren't my fucking best friend anymore. You are dead to me." Zach spat at her feet and turned around, leaving the mansion and leaving Elisianna's heart to hurt. Soon tears appeared on her face, her hand rapidly going to her face to wipe the tears.

"Well that was entertaining. Glad that someone learned her place." The words belonged to Lucille, who had a smug grin on her face from watching her enemy get hurt.

Elisianna glared up at her, walked up the stairs,and stopped on the step that Lucille was on. With swift movement, Elisianna punched Lucille squarely in the face. "Shut the fuck up, bitch." Feeling fantastic now, letting her pent up anger and sadness into that punch, Elisianna continued up the stairs, loving the sound of Lucille crying in frustration behind her.

She knew the way to Kaden's room well now, seeing as she almost had the whole mansion layout mesmerized. Reaching the door, Elisianna grew nervous. She wondered why. Probably because this was the first day in a week that they been in the same room together and now the first day that they were going to be in the same room alone. She lifted a hand to knock, yet the door opened before she could. There stood Kaden, shirtless and only in his suit pants. His hair looked messy as if he ran his hands through it multiple times.

"Did you settle that shit?" Kaden's voice still held a tinge of anger, yet it wasn't as bad as it was before. He stood back, letting her have room to walk in.

Elisianna walked in the room that used to be her prison. Now it just gave her flutters knowing that this is where Kaden sleeps. Memories of waking up and seeing him naked crowded her mind, causing her to take in a deep breath. She almost forgot what he asked. "Yeah... He left.."

"Fuck..I'm sorry...I bet it hurts." All trace of anger was gone from Kaden's words and he closed the space that was between them. He drew her into his arms, hugging her tightly to him, his chin resting on the top of her head. He softly brushed her hair with his hand.

Elisianna didn't realize that it hurt so much to lose her best friend. That he couldn't see that she was still the same person he grew up with. The tears came again, dampening Kaden's chest. Elisianna didn't know how Kaden knew that she needed a hug, but she wasn't questioning it. She wrapped her arms loosely around his waist, whimpers escaping her mouth.

Kaden shushed her, muttering to her that everything is okay. Elisianna drew back and looked up into Kaden eyes. At the same time, he looked into hers. As if they were pushed, Kaden's mouth crushed down onto Elisianna, his tongue parting her lips, his hands roaming her body, causing Elisianna to gasp into his mouth.

Elisianna kissed him back, her tongue dancing around with his, the tears gone. Kaden pulled away, breathless, his hand on the back of her head. His eyes glanced back and forth between the two of her eyes, asking silently if it was okay.

Elisianna grabbed his hair, tugged, and brought his lips to crash to hers.

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