Chapter Seventeen

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Hey guys!

So sorry about the short chapter! Been quite busy with the whole college thing and financial issues dealing with college and I decided I'm transferring to a new college after this semester.

But you dont wanna listen to my life story.

You are here to read about Elisianna and Kaden's life. Which some good news, i am focusing on this story more than my other one because THIS ONE IS ALMOST OVER. that's right. The story is coming to a close soon :D

Anyways share the story with friends, ghost readers PLEASE FOLLOW ME <3, comment, and vote <3

Love, Jennatalia


        "Kaden!" The sight of him was a relief to Elisianna. He was fine. Well she hoped he was, but wasn't too sure due to the mass amount of blood that covered him from head to toe. To anyone else that was looking at the vampire prince, he would have seemed sinister and horrifying, yet to her, he was a strong man that she wanted nothing more than to hug right now.

        His eyes connected with hers as he came over and covered her cheeks with his hands, looking all over her. "Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?... wait..what is that?" Kaden ripped at Elisianna shirt and growled as he saw the bullet wound in her shoulder. "I'm going to rip his head off and then tear his body in two." Kaden growled again as his hands wrapped around the rope, wincing slightly from the gold, yet in one swift motion pulled on the ropes until they snapped. "They are idiots thinking that gold would affect you..."

        "It is though...Kaden the gold fucking burns. Zach shot me with a gold bullet..." Elisianna rubbed at her wrists and then covered her wound on her shoulder, wincing.

        His eyes stared at her in shock before standing up straight, a menacing look upon his face. "That fucking bastard..." Kaden turned around, walking to Zach, who was at that moment trying to stand back up. His hand reached out, grabbing Zach by his shirt collar, and holding him up in the air. Zach's feet dangled, his fingers rushing to his collar so he was not being choked.

        "You have a death wish." Kaden flung Zach to the floor hard, the shuttering sound of a bone cracking filling the room until Zach's scream in pain followed it. Zach sat up and scooted away from Kaden, yet that didn't stop Kaden from moving swiftly and stomping onto zach's fingers, more cracks being heard.

        Elisianna watched the ordeal with mixed emotions. She wanted to tell Kaden to stop, that it was her best friend, but she had to keep reminding herself that the Zach she knew was gone. She also had to remind herslf that Zach just tried to kill her and killed an innocent girl. Ignoring her feelings about it, Elisianna turned her attention away from Zach to help Damien out. Damien shooed her away and tugged at his confines, his face turning red with the effort but in a minute, the ropes snapped and he quickly threw them on the ground and then undid his loose around his neck. His skin sizzled then stopped as his body healed itself. "You could have gotten out at anytime?"

        "Yeah... Honestly, I sort of let myself get captured just so I knew where you were and to keep an eye on you." Damien smiled softly while rubbing his wrists before turning his attention at Zach's body being broken bit by bit.

        Elisianna turned also and noticed that Kaden had his hand around Zach's neck, holding him up against a wall, baring his vampire teeth at Zach. "Kaden..."

        Kaden glanced over at which Zach chose that moment to reach into his pocket and pull out a gun, aim it at Kaden's head and pull the trigger. The sound of the gun going off was matched with the sound of Elisianna's screams.

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