Author's Note

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Hey guys!

So I was on Spring Break and hanging out with my lovely boyfriend, so I didn't have time to write any of Bound by Blood, but I wanted you guys to know that I am working on it right now :)


I have a new twitter and tumblr and would love it if you guys followed me on either :)

Twitter: @badjujucat

Tumblr: dontdropdatjennatalia

I would greatly appreciate it!

Also I want to thank all of you for being committed to me and this book. I know that I haven't been the best person in updating (some updates spanning months... oops) and those of you that have stuck with me since the beginning, you guys are the real MVP.

That also goes for you ghost readers out there. If you haven't followed me yet and been ghost reading since the beginning, I dont bite. Should follow :) I would love it and you!

But thanks again! and i hope you guys follow! Continue enjoying Bound by Blood guys!

Love, Jennatalia

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