Chapter Eleven

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Hey guys!

I feel so bad for how short the other chapter is...

I am soooooo sowwy :/

That is why I am making this chapter longer and filled with goodies!

So forgive me jujubes!

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Read on Jujubes!

xoxo Juju~


Kaden stared out of the window of the limo his family was in. It had been a tiring month, going from country to country, settling political problems and creating alliances. His mother and father were seated across from him, smiling and all over each other. It would have been sickening to him if he didn't know that later on, that was going to probably be him and Elisianna.


The name was a cold splash of water to him. He still felt horrible for what happened the night he had made love to her. The hurt and pain that Kaden saw in her eyes still haunted his dreams, causing him to wake up every three hours it seemed. Watching her walk out the door was what hurt him the most and made him feel the most guilty. He swore that night that he would make it up to Elisianna as soon as possible.

Yet, that didn't happen. Kaden's father asked him to go on business with him and the family seeing as they didn't see much of him anymore. Sure his father yelled at him in front of the whole aristocratic community, yet his father wasn't ashamed of his son. In fact, Kaden knew his father just wanted him to become a respectable king. Which, Kaden knew he will be.

"We are here!"

Kaden looked at his younger sister who was growing up way to fast in his eyes. She acted and dressed way older than she should at the age that she was at. He then looked at where she was looking and they were indeed at the mansion.

Warmth spread through his body. He knew that Elisianna was here. He was back close to where she was. He could finally apologize to her about that night and tell her just how idiotic he was for even dating Lucille, especially when Elisianna came back into his life. He looked at the mansion and this sickening feeling came over him.

A feeling he all well knew. Elisianna wasn't at the mansion. He couldn't feel her energy. The place felt empty. Kaden automatically left the moving car, hearing his parent's voices calling after him, asking him what's wrong. He ignored them as he used his vampire speed to run right up to Damien. Damien was in his room on the computer before Kaden grabbed Damien's throat and lifted him out of the chair and against the wall.

"Ouch." Damien's word was in a monotone sarcastic voice as his eyes connected with Kaden's. "Hello to you too best bud."

"Where is she?" Kaden glared at Damien, knowing somehow that Damien knew something about why Elisianna was not on the property.

"I don't know man. She just wanted me to tell you that she had to leave. That she needed to get away from the mansion. I promise that is all she said."

Kaden glared at Damien and then sighed, seeing that Damien was telling the truth. He let go of Damien's throat before squeezing his hands into fists. Something wasn't right. He could feel that. Something was definately up and Elisianna didn't just leave, just to go on vacation or because she was going stir crazy. "Something isn't right."

"I know that. She seemed pretty peeved when she left. As if she had to fix something. That's why I have been looking at her recent phone calls seeing as you had her phone tapped while she was here." He pointed at the computer and Kaden sighed in relief. He knew tapping her phone would be a good idea.

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