Chapter 22 🍒

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*TW: mild mention/discussion of sexual activity and kinks*

Now call me a slut but all I can think about is Harry fucking me into next year. There are many, many, many things I would allow this man to do to me. I've never really been so adventurous when it comes to the bedroom, at least I haven't really tried to be. Nobody I've ever been with was like that, but Harry brought it up whilst we were cuddling up on the sofa watching a film.

We're spending some cute time together because Harry "has a lot of important work to do tonight" so he wants to make it up to me by having a "cute day".

Now, how this conversation came up during our "cute day" together, I'll never know but Harry's mind is a puzzle to me already anyway.

"What kinks do you have?" he nonchalantly asks before chucking a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Pardon?" I laugh a little. "You know... what are you into? What turns you on? What makes you-" he starts explaining like I don't know what a kink is so I cut him off. "Harry I know what a kink is, I'm just confused why you're bringing it up now" I laugh a little again. "I'm just interested" he smirks a little. "And I'm just trying to watch this film" I respond with a sarcastic mocking of his smirk.

"Alright, alright" he holds up his hands in a joking surrender with a small laugh. It isn't long before he sparks the conversation back up. "But what actually are your kinks?" he repeats his question.

I sigh dramatically, in a joking way, and pause the film. "You really wanna know?" I raise a brow and he matches my expression as he nods.

"Okay... I kind of know, well I don't really know to be honest but I have an idea of what I might possibly like" I decide just to answer honestly but I end up rambling. "What do you mean?" I watch one of his eyebrows raise slightly higher than the other. "Well, I haven't tried much... but I know what sounds appetising."

Appetising? God I'm a fucking moron, who uses the word appetising in this context? Me the dumb bitch apparently.

He chuckles a little at my word choice but I brush it off. "I just mean I know some things I'd like to try and I'm also open to try new things" I explain myself more clearly. "That my princess, is absolutely perfect" a smirk grows across his face. "Now, tell me what you think you'd like to try" he coaxes me.

"Well I liked it when you pinned my hands... maybe some other tying up could be played around with" his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Okay princess well I wasn't expecting you to jump straight in like that, thought you were gonna say something simple like biting, because I know you like that" he smirks.

I roll my eyes playfully and decide just to continue listing a few things, my knowledge on this is quite limited; like I said before, my sex life has been quite vanilla? I think that's the term I've heard.

"...and you're not wrong about the biting... I dunno there's something about the mix of pain and pleasure that thrills me, so maybe stuff to do with that... I don't really know a lot but I'd like to... experiment" I finish listing.

Harry nods and listens the whole time, chipping in with a comment every now and then. "Very interesting, well I can teach you a few things princess, there's definitely a lot I want to try with you and I think you'd love some of the ideas" he has that usual cheeky smirk and I smile, slightly nervous but also excited for what this means. "Alrighty" I respond.

Awkward response.

He changes the topic of the conversation again. "We're going to the club tonight" he eats another handful of popcorn. "That's the important work?" I question. "Part of it" he responds vaguely.

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