Chapter 13 🍒

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It's been a week now that I've stayed at Harry's. He doesn't constantly have his eye on me 24/7 now. As long as I'm in the house he's alright. I've ignored most calls and messages on my phone. The weird thing is, Sammy hasn't called or messaged me once. Now I know her life doesn't revolve around me or anything, but she's not heard from me and hasn't even texted a hello? I message her but haven't had a response yet.

I have however had several messages and calls from Lana. I've been ignoring them, not anything against her, I've been ignoring everyone. I decide to answer her call this morning.

"Melanie? Oh my god so you're not dead" she jokes, but I can hear the worry and relief mixed in her tone. I hesitate for a moment before putting an overly happy voice on, "Haha yeah I'm still alive" I have my work smile on my face, even though she can't see me.

It's not that I'm not happy here with Harry. He's super sweet, he makes me breakfast, lunch and dinner, we have a lot of fun and there may have been a few make out sessions that I'm not complaining about, nothing as... intense as that moment last week, but I just want to leave the house and not feel like I'm being babysat. His ever presence is cute and everything, I get that he wants to protect me, I don't even understand why he's so protective but he is. It's just, I feel very limited.

"I can hear that fake smile slapped across your face" she says knowingly. It makes me giggle a little but then I sigh, "Sorry I've been ignoring everyone, not just you" I plop down onto the sofa. "What happened?" she asked. Do I tell her the truth?

I pause.

"It's just I haven't heard from you since that text saying you were staying at Harry's now, which is totally cool, but like ignoring everyone is worrying" she speaks again, trying to encourage an answer from me. "I'm sorry, I just really haven't been in the mood to talk to anyone" I truthfully respond.

Wait a minute.

I didn't text her to say I was staying here. Which means one thing, Harry went through my phone. Twat.

I mean, I'm glad he messaged Lana so she wouldn't worry because I was heading to her place, but who else did he message? Or call? Or what else did he go through? I've got nothing to hide but the invasion of privacy makes me uncomfortable.

"Something's happened hasn't it? Are you alright?" she doesn't sound worried, more like she's ready to kick someone's ass. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I can't leave Harry's alone though, he has to be with me anywhere we go" I explain, not realising I've provided no context so it sounds dodgy as hell.

"What like he's keeping you like his prisoner or something? What the fuck?" she sounds like she's getting mad. It makes me laugh a little. "No, no, no, it's not like that, but it's really more of a face to face conversation" I explain.

"Well when do I get to see your face so you can explain it all to me?" she asks. Maybe I could ask Harry if she could come over. I mean, as nice as Harry is, it gets lonely with just us two and the odd visit from Louis. Of course when he comes though it's pretty much strictly business.

"Wanna come over today? I can ask Harry?" I say. It's not my house so of course I need to ask Harry. "Sure, I'll wait". Okay... she wants an answer now. I laugh to myself and go to find Harry.

I hadn't seen him for a while. I checked the kitchen, followed by other various rooms - his gym, his studio, eventually reaching his bedroom which was locked. In there I was guessing, "One sec" I say to Lana on the phone before putting her on mute in my pocket.

I knock on the door lightly, but I jump back when I hear a loud yell.

"YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I hear a slam, then a crash. Something's broken.

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