Chapter Two- Wrong first impression.

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~Tryzdin's point of view~

~Three months later~

So far, things have been great. Jennifer has no clue I own the house or that I have a loan against it. She also doesn't know that we have no more debt, and I only pay four bills a month now. I did break down and pay her credit cards off. She knows about that. I told her I did it with what I had left out of the equipment I bought. She didn't question it.

As soon as word got out that I was offering personal training sessions in my home, I had people calling. The men have stayed, and a handful of the women have; I knew some of the women would pay the price to get me alone. Those that did learn really quickly that I am only going to work with them. I will not cross any lines at all.

The women I do still train are all serious about getting in shape. I don't take it easy on them. I make them work just as hard as I do the men. I do have different things I do with each person. It isn't the same for everyone. Everyone has a different plan; I evaluate them and give them a workout plan and diet. I am certified to do so. I took a course on it; It's all education. I chose to take extra classes for it.

I have clients after school on weekdays, and I have appointments on Saturdays. I don't do Sundays at all. That is my day with my girls. Jennifer goes to her mother's on Sundays; She refuses to take the girls. That has been ever since we got married. I sometimes wonder if she is really going to her mother's, but I don't question it. I don't care.

Today is Sunday. Today's plan is to play with girls. I do need to put the mailbox up. A drunk driver hit it two days ago. That allowed me to make it the way I want it. My parents just had the pole and a box. I am putting it in a brick shelter. I did my parent's mailbox at their home, and it's been standing for years.

I'll do that while the girls are sleeping. It's only eight am. They will sleep until ten. I got two hours; I can get it done by then. I get all my supplies and head to where the post office requires the mailbox to be. I start layering the bricks and the sealant. I am halfway through when I see feet. I look up and see Matt. Outside of the bank, I haven't seen him. I'm not sure what he would want.

Tryzdin: "Hey."

Matt: "Hello. I would like to talk to you about something."

Tryzdin: "What's that?"

Matt: "It's kind of awkward."

Tryzdin: "Ok?"

Matt: "I have been with Xyla for ten years. We're happy, but she wants marriage."

Tryzdin: "Why not give in to her then?"

Matt: "I won't marry her when I am no longer attracted to her. We've gotten too comfortable. I would like you to work with her. I need her to lose some weight before I take a step. I am hoping that I can get to where we once were."

Wow. My first impression of him just went down the drain. I thought he was a good guy. I now think he is a piece of shit. How can you be with someone then all of sudden not be attracted to them? I don't fucking get people.

Tryzdin: "What happens if this doesn't work for you?"

Matt: "I will cross that bridge when I get there."

Tryzdin: "How would you suggest we do this?"

Matt: "I'll pay you. You just give me dates & time, and I will make sure she is there."

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