Chapter Five- Secrets.

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~Xyla's point of view~

We have been here four days. Things between Matt and I are very strained. We only talk if it's something to do with the kids. I know that we are probably going to end. I don't want to try to save it anymore. I'm not going to call it quits, though; he's going to have to be the one to do that.

I have managed to keep Tryzdin a secret. We text to avoid each other. Matt thinks I'm talking to my dad. I still haven't had time to look at what is in the envelope. I'll get to it eventually.

This morning we spent time on the beach. That was we do the most when we are here. The kids and I both love it. It's been the same though Matt separates the kids from me and leaves me alone. He is walking towards me right now, though.

Matt: "I would like to spend the afternoon with the kids. I have some things I want to do with them. I thought you could do the same tomorrow."

This is the beginning of the end for us. At least I see it coming, and I'm not going to be blindsided. I just have to figure out where we can go. The house is his. I also have to save every penny.

Xyla: "That's fine."

Matt: "We will leave right after you leave for your run, then will come back after your last run."

Xyla: "Ok."

He goes back to playing with the kids until it's time to head back. I made my way to the car and got the envelope. I shoved it in a locker that faces the beach. It's for personal items to be kept in while on the beach.

When it's time to go, we head back. We don't speak, but I hug the kids before I leave. I'm looking forward to meeting Tryzdin today.

I look forward to it every day. He is a bright spot in the day.

He meets me at the steps. As soon as he sees me, he pulls me to him and kisses the top of my head. It's not the first time he's done that.

Tryzdin: "Hey, Sweetheart."

Xyla: "Hey."

Tryzdin: "You ready to do this?"

Xyla: "Yep."

The first two days after we made the agreement, we jogged and talked. We didn't feel we accomplished anything, so yesterday we ran without talking until the alarm went off, then we walked back and talked. We felt like we did something that way.

We hit the sand and take off running. I have learned to keep up with him. It's hard, but I do it, and I feel accomplished when I do. I still don't feel like I've lost any weight, and I have maintained my diet.

The scale will tell us. I can weigh here. I don't know if he will or not; there is a gym at the hotel. We could use that, but he prefers the beach, and I do too. He mentioned he might use the scale, though.

I will be highly disappointed if he does, and I haven't lost anything. I've worked my ass off here. His runs are intense; I like them, though. I never thought I would ever want to run. I find that I enjoy it.

When the alarm goes off, we stop and turn. I don't really feel like talking today.

Xyla: "Can we just run back?"

Tryzdin: "We can. Everything ok?"

Xyla: "Yeah. I just don't think talking is going to fix my problem."

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