Chapter Twelve- I'm not waiting.

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~Xyla's point of view~

Two weeks have passed. Tryzdin got his court date. It was sixty-three days away from the day it was filed. We still have just over six weeks. It's going to be the longest six weeks ever. We still run together. He goes to his parents in the mornings. They watch the girls while we run. I go to him at night; I have more support than he does. Sydney comes with me and watches his girls.

I went to the doctor. I snuck out after my shower. I went to the same one that I have seen since Sophia. I like him. He confirmed that I am pregnant; I am now at six weeks. That means I got pregnant the last time we were together. Just the thought of him pushing me against the wall that night makes my heart race. Everything is good. The baby is healthy. My doctor also said until I got further along, I could keep my workout routines.

Sydney and I still go to Risers for breakfast every day. The baby really seems to like the Nutella banana pancakes and the coca-cola cake. It seems to be all I eat lately. I am thankful that Sydney nor Tryzdin has noticed. If they have, they haven't said anything. Tryzdin meets us for lunch every day. My dad comes when he isn't busy. I know Sydney loves it when he comes because he sits next to her.

After lunch, though, I do go home and sleep. We have been in our home since the Monday after Tryzdin, and I replaced the stuff in his house. My dad pulled some strings. Not because he wanted us out of his house, he did because he knew I wanted to be in my own place. Tryzdin and my dad helped Sydney and me with the furniture again. Sydney did not move with me. I didn't ask because I know that she likes being around my dad. I wouldn't do that to her. I know I wouldn't want it done to me if I were living with Tryzdin.

The kids love our house. I love it too. I really like the way the contractors redid the garage. He was able to put three rooms down there. I won't ever need all of them, but it gives me a storage room and maybe bedrooms for more kids if I ever get married. I want that with Tryzdin, but I don't know if it will ever happen. I don't want to get my hopes up and be let down. Once we are finally together, we may not like each other. 

Matt nor his family have reached out about seeing the kids. I won't contact him. I did what I needed to do to make sure that I could move on with a clear conscience. I will not beg them to be in my kid's lives. They have Sylvia, my dad, Sydney, and me. They don't need Matt; They haven't even asked about him. They as more about Tryzdin than Matt; they also see Tryzdin more.

It's time for my nap. Tryzdin told me at lunch that he would bring the kids home today. He was going to go help his dad with something. They have gotten closer now that Jennifer is out of the picture. Tryzdin thoroughly enjoys his time with his dad. Both of his siblings live in other parts of the state; I lie down and sleep. 

~Tryzdin's point of view~

I'm not waiting anymore. I want Xyla; I want a relationship with her. I want to build a family with her. I want to start a life with her. I want to start that today. I'm not waiting on my divorce. This is going to start today officially. I woke up with her on my mind, and I am going to do something about it.

After Sydney and Xyla left my mom's restaurant this morning, I talked to my mom and told her my plan. I know she wasn't happy with the way Xyla and I started. She loves her now. She wants us together. I knew she would help me do what I needed to do. I started the plan before I even talked to my mom. I told Xyla I was going to bring the kids home.

I then asked my mom, and she jumped on it. Her restaurant is open from five am to two pm. She is home before the kids get out of school. I then called Randy and asked him to help me. He jumped on it too. I knew he had a key to her house. I didn't need the key; I needed him just to unlock her door, which is why I am standing in her room right now watching her sleep. I quietly slide my shoes off and climb into her bed with her. She immediately snuggles into me. I wrap my arms around her.

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