Chapter Eight- What a shitty day.

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~Xyla's point of view~

We've been at my dad's for a week now. After that Wednesday, I haven't been back to Tryzdin's. He did reply that night. I didn't reply back. I need time to get my head straight. I need to focus on finding us a place to live and get our lives on track. I have to put my children first no matter how much my heart hurts.

Tryzdin has tried to reach out. I don't reply. I think it is best just to leave it. I have made a friend, though. Sylvia's daughter Sydney is someone I knew from school. She and I were friends, and when I got pregnant, she was one of the few that didn't turn her back on me. She went to college after school. I haven't asked, but I have wondered how she and her mother ended up working for my dad.

I know they both love it. They aren't really staff. My dad treats them like family; He includes them in everything. Which makes me think that Sylvia is his girlfriend, but I haven't asked, and I won't ask. It isn't any of my business. As long as he is happy, that is what matters. He seems really happy.

I have spent my days looking at the homes in my dad's neighborhood. I looked at all the ones that were just ok. Today I am scheduled to look at the two I really like the house across the street from my dad's house and the one a block over. I absolutely love the outside of the one across the street. It's also one of the few that has a lake view. I make my way to the kitchen. My dad, Sylvia, and Sydney are in there.

I have a routine. I get up then run while Sylvia feeds the kids, which I hate, but these are my dad's rules. I take them to school, then come home and shower. I then go to my dad's library and look for more homes that may not be in this neighborhood. I then go to my appointments for the houses here with my dad. I then pick the kids up at school and come home. We do homework then watch a movie or swim.

Randy: "Xyla, I have somewhere I need to be today. I know that you have homes to look at today. I trust your opinion. If you like one of the two, I would like to see it before you make an offer."

Xyla: "Ok. Sydney, would you want to go with me?"

Sydney: "Umm.."

She looks at my dad. I find that weird. Neither Sydney nor Sylvia will do anything without asking my dad first.

Randy: "I think that is a great idea. I'm glad you two get along. You both need someone. Xyla, we both know Matt kept you sheltered. Sydney, you just choose not to go out. After you, two look at the houses, go do something. I'll pick the kids up today."

Xyla: "Are you sure?"

Randy: "I'm positive. I am pretty sure my grandkids like me more than you these days."

Xyla: "That's because I tell them, no, and you give it to them anyway."

Sylvia: "That is what grandparents are supposed to do, Xyla."

Sydney: "Sorry, mom, that will never happen for you."

Sylvia: "That is ok. I have Sophia and Austin."

Randy: "Let me do what I want with them, Xyla. I missed out on so much of your life; let me make up for it with them. I don't need everything that I have."

Xyla: "I don't mind it. I just don't want them to have the spoiled rich kid attitude."

My dad laughs. I don't have that attitude, and he doesn't either. My mother, on the other hand, she should be related to Jennifer. They act the exact same. Damn. Why did my mind go there? I won't lie and say I don't miss Tryzdin. I do miss him. I just can't do to his family what Hanna did to mine.

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