Chapter Eighteen- One year later.

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~Xyla's point of view~

The last year has been crazy. Both older girls started middle school which Tryzdin and I both had meltdowns over it. Austin and Bailey get asked all the time if they are twins. They got tired of people asking, so they just say yes and move on. People in this town know they aren't it's outsiders. It is funny, though. Their birthdays are three days apart TJ is a very happy baby. He looks like Tryzdin; He got his sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes; we found out two weeks ago we are pregnant again. This is our last one; six is enough.

After the incident with the girl at the school, Sydney and I felt like we needed to step up and do something. Neither of us will ever use all of the money we have. We wanted to pay it forward somehow. We would with the local social services and started a holiday program Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. If there are families that can't afford it, we donate it.

With the help of the director of social services here, we started a nonprofit. We help with community things. Dad had a building built for us; he helps a lot too. We have never asked; he always offers. We have all lived here all of our lives and never knew how bad some had it. Some bring it on themselves while others don't.

We have an income threshold, but we sometimes help those outside of it. We do make them show proof of hardship. When we started the nonprofit, the first person we gave a job to was Della. Della is the mom of the little girl Brenna wanted to help. She is the one who answers our phones.

I hated that she was working herself sick at a warehouse. She has two little girls to take care of. My dad helped their dad get his GED and paid for him to go to school. He is going to school to be an accountant. He is really good with numbers. Della didn't want to go to school, and we understood that. That's why we hired her. Their family was the reason for us being where we are.

I find it fulfilling. I found my happiness in helping others. That made me become a better wife and mother. I see how some people have it and know that what I have is magical. Tryzdin and I didn't come together easily. If I had to do it all over again, I would.

My family is my entire world. Never did I think my life would turn out like it has. Sure I grew up with money, but I went for ten years without it. I've seen both sides. That makes me great at what I chose to do with my life. It also helps when it comes to Tryzdin.

Tryzdin sometimes struggles with the fact that I have money. He will want something but not ask because of money. He won't ask me for anything. He also doesn't like that I won't let him pay the bills at the house. He saw the check my dad gave me. He's also the one who talked me into keeping it.

I get it, though. I will never tell him, but he can technically take half of what I have if something were to happen to us. We didn't do the prenup thing. I know he isn't stupid; he knows that. He still doesn't like it.

It hasn't changed our relationship. We are both still crazy about each other, and the fireworks still explode when we're in the same room. His hands are still somewhere on my body if we're in touching distance.

We are a solid family with solid jobs and good kids. We will continue to be that way. Love and happiness are all we need to keep things going, and we have plenty of that.

~Tryzdin's point of view~

I'm sitting here in a chair with my son on my lap. The four older ones are sitting on, The floor and Xyla is lying on the couch. We're watching a movie. As I sit here and look around, I can't help but think how blessed I am. I don't deserve everything that I have been blessed with.

Reflecting on everything I know, we both had to go through everything we did to get to where we are. I had to experience Jennifer, and she had to experience Matt.

When she told me she was pregnant again, it was the best feeling in the world. She and I have come so far to be where we are blows my mind. I fall more in love with her and our children every day.

I never take it for granted, though. All of this could blow up in my face. I don't want to seem greedy. Not greedy in the way of money. Greedy when it comes to love. Money isn't an issue. I am more mindful of it than she is. She has more than I ever will. I still get the random monthly deposits.

I love that Xyla is doing what she is doing for the community. She and Sydney are doing wonders for the county. I also love that Gary, Jones, I can tell them about someone at school who may not meet their requirements, and they still help. Sometimes the families will come to one of us quietly.

We don't ever decide anything for them. We give their information to the girls, and they do their thing. I don't think I've ever seen them turn anyone away. They do a lot, and I know that I am proud of them.

Life is better than it ever has been, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life loving every moment that I am given with her and our children.

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