Chapter Ten- Freeing myself.

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~Xyla's point of view~

I don't know why but I woke up feeling free this morning. I went to bed with a heavy heart. Before I closed my eyes, I knew what I had to do to make myself feel free. Free of Matt, free of feeling I owe his parents, and free to move on with my life. Whatever that life may be. I just know that it will be better than the previous one.

I get up and get ready to take my run. I throw on my workout clothes, pull my hair up in a messy bun, and head out the door. I stretch in the open area before I walk to the end of the driveway. Running clears my mind, but today it's already clear. I know what I need to do. I am shocked when I get to the end of the driveway and see Tryzdin standing there. I don't speak. He didn't look like he wanted to talk either. He seems troubled, and that worries me, but I'm not asking.

We run, and he waits until I start towards the house; then I see him turn and run off. I go in and take the kids to school. I haven't been changing from my runs. I come home and swim, then shower; I don't want to stop my routine at all. Once I stop doing something, I am afraid I'll give up. I don't trust myself. I will handle what I need to in between lunch with Sydney and picking up the kids.

I get it all done, and Sydney and I head to Risers. It doesn't take long to get there, even from my dad's neighborhood. I'm thankful to be here today. The last few days, I have woken up hungry, but I fight it off.

Sydney: "I'm starving today."

Xyla: "I have woken up like that recently."

We go in and sit at the same table we do every day. We come here often now. I like that I am supporting Tryzdin's family. We know most of the staff here now. It's not just us that comes here often; we always see the same people when we come in.

Scarlett: "Hey, you two. How has your morning?"

Sydney: "Hello."

Xyla: "It's been good. You?"

Scarlett: "It was a rough start to the morning, but we are sailing right along."

Xyla: "Everything ok?"

I debate on telling her that I ran with Tryzdin this morning.

Scarlett: "Out of all of my children, I never thought Tryzdin would be the one to give me trouble. I am hoping it clears up soon. What can I get for you two today?"

I don't push her for more. Some because my heart hurts when it comes to Tryzdin, and the rest is because I don't need to know his business. I don't have that right. We give her our order once she brings our food; I bring up my plan with Sydney.

Xyla: "I woke up with the need to release my past so I can move on to my future."

Sydney: "How do you plan on doing that?"

Xyla: "I am going to see Matt at the bank. I owe his parents more than I can ever repay. I can help in one small way, and I am going to."

Sydney: "Paying off their mortgage?"

Xyla: "Yes. It's also a way for me to kind of put it to Matt that I don't need him."

Sydney: "It's your final fuck you."

Xyla: "Exactly."

Sydney: "I would love to be a fly on the wall."

Xyla: "Come with me. I don't mind one bit. You can hang out with me today."

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