Chapter Two- The beach.

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I came to the beach because Jennifer asked me to. I haven't seen her yet. I do know we are in a different hotel. I am in a hotel. She is in a motel. I am not sure why she wanted me to come. I know she has business meetings all week. I also know she has the girls with her. She has a preplanned day for all of us to spend together. I make my way to the chair on the balcony. I have no need to go wander the town.

I see Xyla and her family setting up stuff on the beach. My skin crawls when I see Matt. I sit and watch her for a while. It's like they aren't even a family; Matt has kept the kids away from her the whole time. When she does join them, he goes and sits. She has been sitting by herself for over an hour now. I get up and make my way down to the beach. I sit next to my daughter.

Xyla: "What are you doing here, dad?"

Randy: "I came here because my girlfriend asked me to. I am not sure why when she is here working. She even has a different hotel. I see matt hasn't changed. Just got taller."

Xyla: "No, he hasn't."

Randy: "The kids look like you."

Xyla: "They do."

Randy: "Be honest with me, Xyla. Are you and Matt having trouble?"

She will probably lie to me, but I know they are. People don't act like they do if they aren't having problems. I already see one of Matt's feet walking out the door. This isn't going to end well for Xyla.

Xyla: "Why do you ask that?"

Randy: "I noticed you guys hours ago. I've been watching. It's like watching a couple going through a divorce trying to keep it together for the kids during one last vacation."

This is what Geneva and I did after Xyla was born. I see the signs; I know what they are. I lived it.

Xyla: "We've been together ten years and have never had a problem. Not until a couple of weeks ago."

Randy: "The personal trainer?"

Xyla: "I am not having an affair if that is what you are thinking."

They may not be having an affair, but something is definitely going on between the two of them. He isn't just her personal trainer. They aren't having an affair yet; It's happening slowly.

Randy: "What is it then?"

Xyla: "Matt said I needed to lose weight so we could get married. He hired Tryzdin and told me about it six minutes before my first session."

Randy: "Did he not realize you've been this way your whole life?"

Xyla has always been a big girl. She gets it from my mother. My mother was also a big woman; she and Xyla are almost identical. I never cared about her weight. She was my daughter, and that was what mattered.

Xyla: "I asked myself the same thing. It's been ten years and two kids. I have gained eight pounds in ten years. Eight pounds. That eight pounds are preventing my boyfriend from marrying me because my weight is now too much for him."

Randy: "I know you don't want my advice, but if you do lose the weight, don't marry him. If he can't marry you the way you are, he doesn't deserve you."

He never deserved her. I know she thinks it was because his family didn't have money. It was the way he treated her. He has always treated her like shit, and she is too blind to see it. 

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