The Meeting Part 1

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Fan art is from Google

"Y/N!" Tony shouts as he walks into Stark Tower. You jump slightly and look up from the book you were reading.

"Yes?" You shut the book and walk towards him.

"We have someone coming with Thor. Don't let him get in your head. Keep your guard up. Be alert when he's around. He's dangerous. Got it?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yes sir!" You begin to wonder who they are bringing in. Tony walks out and you go back to reading your book. Moments later Thor walks in with a dark haired green eyed man. You peak over your book and catch the piercing green eyes staring at you. You feel your chest get stiff and harder to breath. You were in shock, stunned. You couldn't move or take your eyes off him. He was so memorizing.

"Y/N!" Tony and Thor shout together. You snap out of whatever just had a hold on you and shake your head. You glance at Tony then at Thor, both shake their heads at you and Thor proceeds to take the prisoner to his cell.

"Who the hell was that!?" You ask Tony slamming your book down. You storm over to him and place your hands on your hips.

"That's Loki. He is Thor's brother. Stay away from him. That's an order." Tony walks past you chuckling at your attitude. You take a deep breath in and slowly let it out. Stay aways from him.. How hard could that be? You don't even know the man.

**That night**

You were tossing and turning in bed and couldn't sleep so you decided to get up and go get some water from the kitchen. You take a big gulp of the ice water and shut your eyes. Suddenly feel the pressure of some staring at you. You spin around and notice a green light coming from beyond a glass. You set your cup down and walk towards it. Once at the glass you place your hand on it and squint to see around the room. The green light has disappeared.

"Hello?" You whisper. All of a sudden you catch a chill.

"Hello darling." Loki steps out into the small sliver of light that was in his cell. "Curiosity killed the cat? Isn't that what they say?"You stand there for a moment staring into his eyes. "Well? Aren't you going to say something?" Loki walks toward the glass and smirks at you.

"No it didn't. I was just thirsty and came down for some water. Why would I ever be curious about you? You're dangerous." Loki looks you up and down and smirks harder. He then shrugs his shoulders and walks back to the darkness. You can still see his glowing green eyes watching you. You shiver and remember you are wearing booty shorts and a white tanks. You quickly walk away, grabbing your water off the counter. Still feeling his eyes on you. You get back to your room and set the water on your dresser. You sit on your bed trying to catch your breath and slow your breathing. Loki, you thought, what the hell is wrong with me? You shake it off and climb into bed. You snuggle tightly under your covers and begin to drift off.

Loki X Reader (Dirty)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora