The Dream *Smut Warning* 18+

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You walk up to the glass again, Loki cannot be seen. It was just you in the tower, Stark trusted you to keep watch on the prisoner while they went on a mission.

"Loki?" You whispered. Still no response. You were starting to worry. Maybe he escaped? Where would he have gone? What would he be doing? Moments go by before suddenly you get spun around and Loki pins your hands above you on the glass. He smirks at you and his piercing green eyes wander up and down your body. "How did you..." He places his other hand over your mouth.

"Shh, you'll have time for questions later. For now, let me admire you." You take a breath in as his hand trails down your cheek to your neck then the tips of his fingers trail down the rest of your body. "Such beauty. I wonder why my brother left you here alone to watch after me."

"They are trying to save the world...." You stutter out and his finger tips reach your waist. You move your body to try and get out his grasp but he has it to tight.

"Where do you think you're going, Kitten?" He smirks and leans forward to whisper in your ear, you feel his warm breath on the cusp of your neck. "I want to play." He gentle kisses your cheek and works his way down your neck. His fingers dance on the band of your shorts as he smiles at you. "Do you want to play?" You bite your bottom lip then slowly nod. Loki slips his fingers inside your underwear and slowly travels to your opening. He gently rubs his fingers up and down as your mouth opens in excitement. After a few moments of him teasing the outer layer he slips in two fingers, you let out a moan.

"Loki." You moan his name, which makes him speed up. Your eyes flutter shut as his continues pleasing you. He leans over to your ear again and nibbles on the bottom of it.

"Yes, Kitten?" He continues as you begin to squirm and moan more.

"I'm close. Please don't stop, please. You beg as his speed starts to rhythm out with your body's movements.

Just as you are about to finish your eyes shoot open and you are gasping for air. You feel your body and everything is in order. You realize it was just a dream and you are in your bed still, laying back down you slow your breathing. Thinking of how bad you wanted his touch you lay there staring at the ceiling. -What the Hell?- you think. After your breathing slows you slide out of bed, wrapping your blanket around you. You tip toe into the kitchen again but this time you leave all the lights off. You don't see his eyes so you gently walk to the glass, you cup your eyes and look inside. You see Loki sleeping soundly on the bed. You stare for a moment before heading back to your room, you don't sleep the rest of the night. Just sit there on your bed replaying his voice.

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