The Reveal!

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Nat has been planning the reveal for a week and finally has something. She tells you and Loki to be ready because tomorrow is when you will find out what you two are having. Loki and you are both excited.

"Thank you for doing this Natasha." Loki says as you eat the dinner she cooked.

"Anything's for Y/N! I can't wait till the reveal tomorrow." She says excited.

"Yah Nat, it'll be perfect." You say as you finish your food. Loki clears your plates and you two head off to bed.

**The next morning***

You wake up and Loki has already gotten out of bed. You stretch and then climb out of bed. You dress yourself in a pink tee with shorts and head out of your room. Once you get into the kitchen you noice it is covered completely in blue and pink decorations. You get excited and then see Nat.

"Where Loki?" You ask. She points upstairs so you knew he was on the roof, his favorite spot to be. You thank her and head to the roof.

"Don't be long, we need the guests of honor here." She shouts after you before the doors to the elevator shuts. You smile just thinking about what you're having, you are hoping for two little girls. The elevator digs and pulls you out of thought.

"Hey there beautiful." Loki says as you walk out. He walks up to you and places his hand on your stomach. "How are my three loves doing today?"

"We're doing good. You almost ready to figure out what we are having?" You ask side hugging Loki. He smiles and nods.

"You know it, I want both boys. I know you want little girls but I think two boys would be perfect." He kisses the top of your head as you both walk toward the elevator together. You giggle a little at Loki wanting boys.

"Well my love I really want girls. However we will just have to wait and see." You laugh as you head down to the kitchen again.

*In the kitchen*

Natasha places two small cakes in front of you and Loki. "So cut into it one at a time and you'll see what you two are having." She smiles and steps back to stand with Tony, Steve, Thor, Buck, Strange, Wanda, Clint, and Bruce.

"Okay, Loki you first." You say turning to look at him. He smiles and grabs the knife. He cuts straight down the middle through the entire cake and moves it. "A BOY!! OH MY GOODNESS!" You say, excited!

"Thank the Gods!" Loki says. "Ok my love, your turn." You grab your knife and do the same, cutting the whole cake. You move the piece back with your eyes closed.

"Oh my goodness! Y/N!" Nat shouts! Your eyes shoot open. "A GIRL!!!" You begin crying and hug Loki tightly.

"Looks like we both got what we wanted, one beautiful baby girl and handsome little boy." He says kissing the top of your head.

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