A Positive

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*knock knock* "Nat? Are you in there? We need to talk. Please Natasha it's urgent." You say leaning against the door. "Natasha." You whine once more. Her door opens and you catch yourself in the frame.

"This had better be good Y/N." Natasha crosses her arms and glares at you.

"I... I think... I'm pregnant, Nat" you say softly looking down at your feet.

"You what!? Get your ass in here." She pulls you into her room slamming the door behind her. "Pregnant!? By Loki?! Y/N!!!" She grabs her phone and calls Tony. "Tony, send Wanda up to my room please... No don't ask questions just do it.. DAMNIT TONY I SAID DO IT. Thank you." She hangs up and grabs your hand.

"Nat please calm down. I'm not even a hundred percent sure I am." You say as you two walk out her bedroom door. Wanda meets you two at the end of the hall.

"What's wrong?" Wanda can sense something's off.

"We're going to the store to get Y/N a pregnancy test, she'll need all the support from us right now." Natasha grabs the keys to Tony's car and we leave.

"Is everything okay?" Tony's voice comes through the radio.

"Yes. We're just going to the store for a few things. Be back soon." Nat hangs up on him. "How far along do you think you are?"

"I don't know. I just have been feeling super nauseous and I'm not sure how to explain it but I feel different." You say as you fiddle with your thumbs. The rest of the car ride is silent. Nat runs in and grabs the tests and you guys head back to Stark Tower. "Nat, what am I gonna tell Loki if I am? How will he ever react? I'm so scared." You begin to cry and start thinking of how he could react bad to the news.

"Hey, no. Do not stress yourself. Loki will be happy, I'm sure of it. So just focus on staying calm until we know for sure." Wanda reaches her hand back and you grab it. She squeezes slightly and smiles. "You got this!"

You finally arrive back at the tower and go inside. Loki and Thor are sitting at the kitchen table and see you three. "Hey kitten, what's wrong?" Loki walks over to you and kisses the top of your head.

"Nothing love. We just ran to the store for a few things. I'm sorry if I frightened you." You kiss his cheek. "I have to go help Nat with a few things but I promise I'll be back soon. I love you."

"I love you more beautiful." Loki kisses your head again and goes back to talking with Thor. You and Natasha head straight to her room.

"I have no idea how to even do this!" You tell Natasha as you head to her bathroom.

"Pee in the cup and I'll help you from there." She says as she sits on her and waits for you. You finish up and open the door so she comes in there. She opens the box of two pregnancy tests and sticks both of them in the cup. She waits for what seems like forever then pulls them out, puts the caps back on and lays them face down on the counter. She sets a timer for three minutes on her phone. "Just breath. It'll be okay." She hugs you and you go sit on her bed. You put your face into your hands and try to remain calm. You also try to not think of the possible pregnancy in case Loki is reading your mind. Finally Natasha's alarm rings and you both rush over to the tests. You take a deep breath and flip them both at the same time. One reading + and the other says "Pregnant", both of which clear as day.

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