The Scare

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You wake up in the infirmary with Dr Strange running tests on you. "Where's Loki?" You ask and your head begins pounding. You wince and grab your head. Strange walks over to you and you look at him.

"Loki stepped out for a moment. He's been by your side all night, he needed a second to recollect his thoughts and get a coffee. He will be back. How are you feeling, Y/N?"

"I feel fine. Is everything okay with the baby!?" You ask trying to sit up. You wince in pain again and lay back down.

"Yes. everything is okay. You fainted from not eating. When was the last time you had food?" He asks looking over the charts. You shrug and close your eyes

"Last night before bed. Probably close to eight pm. Loki made me breakfast but I couldn't eat due to being sick." You tilt your head back trying to get the headache to go away.

"Okay. I'm going to tell Loki to pick you up some soup and ice water. I'll be back. Do not move." Dr strange walks out. You look around and notice all the machines he had you hooked up to. You notice a ultrasound machine and wonder if he checked on the baby that way. You smile at the thought of Loki's baby being inside you. You put your hand on your stomach and smile. In a few short months the baby would be here. Loki comes walking in with Strange and your food. You smile up at him.

"Hey there gorgeous! I'm glad you're doing a little better." Loki says as he sits beside you on the bed. He hand you the soup and water. You down your water and begin slowly eating. " We gotta get your strength back up."

You nod. "I know. We'll get there." You smile again. Dr Strange then walks over and get the ultrasound machine ready.

"Would you like to have a look?" You and Loki look at each other then nod to Dr Strange. You lay back and lift your shirt. Strange sets everything up on the machine. Loki grabs your hand and smiles at you. Strange places the device on your stomach. "Here we go." Moments later you hear a faint heartbeat and then see a tiny bean. "You look to be almost eight weeks. He or she is growing perfect.. wait a minute." Strange gets a curious look on his face. He moves the device slightly and you see a second tiny bean. "Well I'll be damned. Looks like you are having twins!" He smiles at you. "They both look to be in perfect condition. They have a heart rate of 143 and 169. Perfect babies."

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