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**We are back to your POV**

You woke up the next morning to your eyes burning and a sting in your throat. You got out of bed and went to your bathroom. You face was puffy and swollen and your eyes were bloodshot from crying most the night. You remember waking a few times because of a panic attack and wishing he was in bed with you. Losing Loki was the worst thing you have ever had to handle, that's saying a lot cause you've lost both your parents. You brush you hair and decide taking a cool shower might help. So you hop in and take a long cold shower. Once you're done you wrap yourself in a towel and go sit in your bed. Your face isn't as swollen now that you've rinsed away the day. You sit there and think of what you are going to do now as you hear a knock on your door.

"Who is it?" You ask. You wait a few moments, no reply. "Yes?" A few moments later still no reply. You shrug it off and walk toward your closet, no one could get in anyway the door was locked. Once at your closet you find your green snake tank top and your black ripped bell bottoms. You get dressed and fluff you hair, it's still damp but you shrug it off and leave your room. On your door is a note.

The note: Y/N, I am so sorry I hurt you. I realize my mistake. I understand if you hate me but I would really love for you to meet me at the landing pad on the roof in twenty minutes. Please. It's important and a very big surprise for you. Yours truly, Thor.

You laugh and roll your eyes. You didn't want to go to the roof but something in your gut told you, no forced you to go. You still wanted to eat first so you went to the kitchen. Nat, Tony, Steve, and Buck were sitting drinking their coffee. They all looked at you with a surprised look on their face.

"What's up guys?" You said rather cheerfully and you had no idea where the random burst of cheer came from. You thought it was odd but shook it off. They looked among each other and then back at you.

"Nothing really. Are you okay, Y/N?" Steve asks. You nod and go back to getting yourself something to eat.

"I'm as good as can be expected. Except I got this really weird note from Thor." You say before taking a bite of the apple you found in the fridge. Steve raises his eyebrow and looks confused.

"Oh yeah? What's it say?" Nat ask acting a little suspicious. You take it out of your pocket and hand it to her. She quickly reads then rereads over it again. She looks up at you and smiles. "Y/N get your ass up to the landing pad. NOW." You jump at her words, raise your hands up and nod as you head toward the elevator to go to the roof. You think it's odd that she wants you to go up so bad. You hear Natasha say something about Loki just as the door shuts. -No way Thor went and got him and brought him back here- you think to yourself.

Loki X Reader (Dirty)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt