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You and Loki sit in the infirmary processing the news. Twins.

"Are you ready to be a daddy?" You ask smiling. Loki nods yes with tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to be the best damn daddy out there. I will never leave you or the kids. You are my entire world. Thank you for making me a better person and thank you for giving me life. I love you so much Kitten." Loki kisses the tip of your nose and places his forehead against yours. You both smile so hard. "We must tell the others!" He says helping you off the bed. You get changed and walk with Loki to the kitchen. Nat and Wanda come up to you and hug you.

"I'm so glad you and the baby are okay. Strange told us everything looked perfect." Nat said.

"We'll see we have some news for you all about the baby. Let's sit. Loki, honey will you get me something to eat please? That soup definitely didn't fill me up." You laugh, Loki nods and gets into the fridge and starts searching for you something to eat. You sit at the table with the crew.

"So? What is the news?" Thor asks as he sips on his beer. Loki holds up the makings for a philly cheese steak and you nod.

"Well guys, it's not just one baby.. it's twins!" You say excited. Natasha and Wanda both look in awe of each other. Loki brings you the food and you eat. Everybody began celebrating your pregnancy.

"I'm so happy for the two of you. Brother, can I speak with you alone a moment?" Loki nods to Thor. They go outside to sit in the bird room. "I am so happy for you. When do you plan to marry her? I know we talked about it a few weeks back but now you have a reason to get it done faster. You both already know you are each other's Soulmates so what's stopping you?"

"I don't know if she'd want to marry me, Thor. She's so perfect and I have such a bad past. I just want to make it special and actually give her everything she deserves and more." Loki runs his fingers through his hair and takes a deep sigh. "I feel like no matter how much good I do I'll never be enough for her."

"Loki, she loves you. You are her whole world. If she is willing to carry those babies for you then she is clearly willing to spend the rest of her life with you." Thor places his hand on Loki's shoulder.

"You're right, can you help me plan it? I want it to be perfect. Besides me, you are the one that knows her the best. Please Thor." Loki looks at Thor his green eyes glimmering.  Thor nodded and hugged his brother. Loki hugged back and patted his back.

Loki X Reader (Dirty)Where stories live. Discover now