Going Home

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After the amazing weekend away it was finally time for Loki and you to head home. You were going to miss all the beautiful sights and the pool but you were homesick.

"Good morning my beautiful angel." Loki kisses your forehead and your eyes flutter open.

"Good morning handsome." You groan and stretch. You climb out of bed and see Loki already has your favorite food and clothes set out for the day.

"I didn't want you going hungry and stressing about what you were going to wear. I wanted you to have a stress-free morning. I love you. Eat up and get changed." He kisses your cheek again and heads to pack up the rest of yalls belongings. You smile and sigh in relief with how lucky you are to have such a caring man. You eat your food and begin changing with a piece of bacon in your mouth. You stumble to get your night pants off and grab ahold of the bed. Loki peeks out at the house and raises his eyebrow.

"I'm ok." You say as you toss your pants at him playfully so he can put them in the suitcase. He laughs and catches them before they hit his face. You continue to get dressed and eat the rest of your food just as Loki brings out your  belongings.

"I'll carry it all down. Are you ready to go my love?" He asks as you finish putting your hair into a ponytail. You nod and grab his hand. Loki holds hands with you and drags the suitcases on his other side. You two get downstairs and into an Uber and head to the airport. Once you are on the plane you settle in for a nap with a face mask and headphones.

**Back at Stark Tower**

"Hey guys! Glad to have you home!" Natasha says as soon as you walk into the kitchen.

"Us too! Hey, where's Dr. Strange? I wanna check on my little babies" you smile. Nat points to his lab and you walk off.

"Hey Strange!" You say walking into his lab. He peeks up and smiles at you.

"Hey! Can we do a check up?" You ask. Strange nods and stops what he is doing. You both walk over to the ultrasound machine and you climb into the chair. Strange gets everything ready as Loki walks in. Dr. Strange begins the ultrasound, seeing both babies.

"Looks perfect, strong heartbeats of 163 and 155. You are close to seventeen weeks, correct?" He asks and you nod. "Well that means I can start looking for gender if you want?" You nod again and Strange goes back to the ultrasound. "Well, would you two like to know or would you like a surprise in front of everyone?"

"I want to do a gender reveal! Tell Nat!" You look at Loki so he nods and goes to grab Nat. Dr. Strange turns off the machine and grabs a piece of paper. He writes down the genders then folds it up and hands it to you.

"Enjoy. I'm happy for you." Strange smiles and walks away. You sit up and stare at the piece of paper. After some time Nat walks in and you hand it to her.

"Plan us a gender reveal? You and Wanda please?" She nods and takes the paper.

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