Birth Day

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**Sorry it took so long**

*A Few Months Later*

You were sitting in the room feeling huge. You felt like a blimp and couldn't move very well. You were due any day now, 34 weeks with twins was pretty far along but everything looks absolutely perfect. Loki had gotten the babies room set up with everything they needed and more. He spoils them already and they haven't even been born yet.

"Hey beautiful. How are you feeling?" Loki comes walking in with some breakfast. He has you the plate and you begin eating. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain and drop the plate. "What's wrong?" Loki rushes to your side. He helps you stand up and you feel a gush of liquid run down your leg then a sharp pain again.

"It's time." You look at Loki and his eyes glisten. He smiles and has you sit on the bed while he rushes everything to the car. He comes running into the room and swoops you up.

"It's baby time!" He yells as he carries you out your room to the car. Everybody meets you there.

"Do you need anything?" Wanda and Nat ask you while opening the door. You shake your head no while catching your breath. Loki sits you in the passenger seat and buckles you in making sure the buckle is below your stomach.

"Please keep us updated Y/N." Tony says as the door shuts. You focus again on your contractions. Loki is quickly into the drive seat and speeds off. Everybody is waving bye to you two. What seems like forever was only a 10 minute drive and you arrive at the hospital. Loki quickly parks the car and grabs all the bags out the trunk. He then grabs you again and carries you to the main door.

"She's in labor. We need a Dr now." He says as soon as you walk through the door. They quickly rush over a wheelchair. Before they can take you back they have to check you in, they get all your information and put on your band. They wheel you and Loki back to a room and hook you up to a monitor and everything is perfect.

**The next morning**

You were exhausted after almost 12 hours of birth. Finally the twins were born and they were perfect. Presley and Presten. Seeing Loki with the babies was the best feeling in the world.

***I think I'm going to end it here. Sorry guys, I just don't know what else to out into this one.***

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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