Baby Names

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You wake before Loki and slowly climb out of bed. You decide to take a shower and get the day started. Once you are dressed you go to the kitchen, Loki still asleep.

"Good morning." Natasha says whiles she's cooking the eggs for the buffett. She turns and looks at you. "Soooo?"

"Nope. I'm not saying until Loki is present." You say turning away from her glare.

"Oh my God I just want to know what you two have settled on already." She says frustrated. Just as she turns back to the stovetop Loki walks up scratching the back of his head, he yawns and slightly stretch's. You admire his body that slightly shows while he stretch's. Tony, Steve, and Buck walk in from the elevator area, Thor from his room and Wanda behind him. Everybody sits down as Nat places all the food at the bar. "Ok, now that everyone is here???" You laugh as Loki site beside you.

"What are you two going on about?" Loki asks kissing your cheek.

"Well my love, Nat is asking about the names. Now that's you are present and everybody else is here I figured we could announce it." Loki smiles slightly and grabs your hand and kisses it.

"Whatever you want my dear." Loki starts grabbing food and smiles at you.

"Well Loki and I discussed naming them after Pietro, in honor of him. So we took the P and M from his name and came up with Presley Monroe for the baby girl..."

"And Presten Malachi for the boy." Loki says before putting some bacon in his mouth.

"You guys!" Wanda says tearing up. "It's beautiful! He would love it!" She hugs you.

"I hope so. Are you happy with it?" You ask and she nods because she is so choked up. You sit back and smile. Everything is perfect, you've got the perfect little family and friends. Everybody is so supportive. Life is the best it's ever been.

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