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"You what!?" Loki shot up out of bed leaving you behind. He must be using his powers so Thor won't see you. "You've been looking at her?! Like that??" Loki was clearly mad.

"You barely know the girl, I've know her for years. Don't think you have some claim over her because of something you felt the first time you saw her. She would never go for someone as low and crappy as you brother. You're evil." Thor spat out. Loki shoved him into the glass which bounced him back.

"If she'd never go after me then why is her gown her? Why did she come to me? Wanting me? Dreaming of me? Having feelings for me? Dear brother I think you got it all wrong, I think she wouldn't go after a guy like you. Someone who runs away from his home when it is dying out. Someone who thinks he's so perfect when we all have skeletons in our closet. You are no better than I so stop trying to act like you are." Loki turned his back on Thor and began walked to the bed. You saw Thor sprint toward him.

"Loki! Look out!!" You shouted breaking whatever spell Loki had placed so Thor could see me. He stopped in his tracks and looked down at me naked in Loki's bed.

"Y/N? What are you doing? Why are you in Loki's bed? And why are you naked? Did he hurt you?! I swear Loki I'll kill you!" Thor threw himself on top of Loki and started punching him.

"Thor no! Stop! I came in her upon my own free will. Upon my own wishes. I wanted this! Thor! STOP!!" You said, which finally caught his attention.

"Y/N, how could you? You knew he was bad, you knew he was dangerous.. why?" Thor ask stepping away from Loki and you.

"I don't know Thor. The first day I saw him there was something about him that drew me in. The look in his eyes, there is a calm about him that none of you seem to understand. Whatever he did couldn't have been that bad. He is misunderstood and I can see it, I can feel it." You got up from the bed and grabbed your nightgown. You slipped it on and looked between Loki and Thor. "You two sort this out and come find me when you are done. I don't care what Stark says, Thor you let him come to me. I give you my word he won't go elsewhere, will you Loki?" Loki nodded and you left.

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