The Wedding

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Everybody helped plan the wedding and finally it was the big day. You weren't showing in the pregnancy yet. Natasha helps you get into your dress and zips you up.

"I can't believe you're getting married!" She says excitingly. You smile and nausea takes over. You grab the trash can and puke. -Must be the nerves or the pregnancy- you think to yourself.

"Can you go make sure Loki is getting ready? I'm worried about him." You ask as you sit and eat some ice chips. She nods and walks out of your room. You lay down on the loveseat and close your eyes.

"Hey Kitten!" You see Loki standing across from you, his eyes closed.

"Loki!" You grab a blanket and cover yourself. "You're not suppose to see me!!" You say angry!

" I know but I'm so nervous I had to check on you. Besides my eyes are closed." He giggles.

"Fine, I'll let it pass. I guess. I'm ok, been sick all morning. Must be the pregnancy.. or nerves. Loki, um are you sure you want to marry me?" You ask as you fiddle with your hands and nails.

"Now, Y/N, why the hell wouldn't I? You are my soulmate, the love or my life, and the mother to my children. I want you for the rest of my life, no matter how short or long that is." Loki smiles and you feel so much relief.

"Ok. Now go get ready. We walk in 30!" You say then you are back in your room on the loveseat. You stay laying there and fall asleep.

"Hey! Y/N!!" You hear banging on your bedroom door and hear Bruce's voice. Your eyes flutter open and you jump off the loveseat. -Shit! SHIT! How long did I sleep for??" You think. You look down at your phone and see the time. You have five minutes to get to the garden downstairs. Quickly you grab your veil and head out the door, slamming into Bruce on your way out.

"I am so sorry!" You say running past him. He's on your heels as you both head down.

"It's okay, Y/N. I'm just glad you are finally up, I've been banging for the last 15 minutes." He laughs as you two finally make it down the stairs. "Tony is over there waiting to walk you in."

You walk to where Tony is and he begins to tear up. "You look beautiful, y/n." Tony loops arms and you two get ready to head in. You cover your face with the veil and take a deep breath. The doors open and you see Loki standing at the alter. He sees you and begins crying which makes you cry. Thankfully Nat used waterproof makeup because you'd be a mess otherwise. You get to the alter and the minister asks who is giving you away, Tony raises his hand and let's go of your arm. He raises your veil and kisses your cheek. "I love you, Y/N. I am so happy for you." You smile as more tears pour out. Tony has been like a dad to you for years. You kiss his cheek and walk over to Loki who grabs your hands.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiles at you. The wedding proceeds and finally you and Loki say your I Do's. Everybody cheers as you two exit the alter. 

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