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It was now past evening around 8 pm when Virat and Sai woke up, their intoxication had worn off by now, they looked at each other and realised what had just happened between them and a weird awkwardness struck them, they instantly got up and went different ways and got dressed then went downstairs for dinner, on seeing them Bhavani kaku taunted them for getting intoxicated at the Holi party but they stayed silent and avoided each other through dinner.
After dinner Sai came back to her room and everything that happened flashed in front of her, she sat on the bed thinking about it, thinking about how she had gotten intimate with Virat in a deal marriage, about how she was nothing more that a responsibility to him so whatever happened shouldn't have happened. She knew that whatever happened wasn't forced but was out of mutual consent but she felt guilty and blamed herself for being the reason that Virat couldn't keep his promise that he made to Pakhi, she felt a roller coaster of emotions and rage surging through her. But she knew that Virat must be feeling guilty, so she wanted to talk to Virat, she waited for Virat to come but he didn't, she slept waiting for him.
Meanwhile Virat was on the terrace, enraged and angry at himself for getting intimate with Sai, he felt guilty for her, he asked himself that how could he do that to Sai who didn't want this, he felt ashamed of himself for what he had done and blamed himself, he couldn't look into his own eyes.
The next morning when Sai woke up she looked out for Virat but couldn't find him, then she got ready and went downstairs to the kitchen to do the chores. In the kitchen Sai greeted Aai and asked her about Virat, Aai informed her that Virat left early for some important work, Sai wondered weather Virat is ignoring her, then after finishing the chores she left for college. After returning from college Sai waited and waited for Virat but he didn't come yet again, this continued for a month, Virat ignoring Sai, Virat would return after Sai had slept and would leave early before Sai waking up, there was awkwardness and tension in their relationship, and upon seeing this tension between them Pakhi was happy and kind of relieved.
Dinner time, the whole Chavan family was having dinner, Sai was serving Virat when she suddenly fainted and fell on the ground, "Sai" Virat exclaimed, the whole family got up on seeing her faint, Virat picked her up, took her to their room and put her on the bed, Virat got really worried and called a doctor on house call, soon the doctor came and started the check up, Sai regained consciousness, then the doctor asked everyone to leave the room for the further checkup, the doctor handed Sai a pregnancy test kit and asked her to take it, Sai was shocked on listening to the doctor but took the test on the doctor's insistence, they waited for the results and it came out positive, Sai didn't know how to react to this and was completely blank, the doctor then called everyone inside and said "Congratulations, Sai is PREGNANT", Virat was completely shocked on hearing that, and even the whole family was shocked. Virat and Sai looked at each other not knowing how to react, the doctor left soon after. Ashwini, Shivani, Mohit and Karishma were really happy upon hearing this news but even concerned as Sai was still very young and in college, Bhavani, Ninad, Omkar and Sonali were still digesting the fact but were happy internally because their Virat was going to become a father and they were going to have a grandchild, but Pakhi was completely shattered on hearing this news, she got so jealous that even she couldn't handle it herself, she left from there and went to her room, reaching her room she started to break everything in her room and made it a mess and then fell on the bed crying.
Meanwhile in Virat and Sai's room, Virat and Sai were completely blank, the family congratulated them but they didn't know how to react to that, after that they asked Sai to rest and left. Virat and Sai continuously looked at each other for sometime without saying anything and then Virat too left the room.
"I am pregnant, Oh my god, I am pregnant", Sai said to herself, how did I end up getting pregnant from a deal marriage this shouldn't have happened, she thought about Virat and wondered, what must he be feeling? But had no answer regarding it. She was on an emotional roller coaster and couldn't make out what to do, but she needed Virat, she needed him by her side.
Meanwhile Virat on the terrace:
"Sai is pregnant, PREGNANT, she is pregnant, oh my god!", how did I end up impregnating her in a deal marriage, I know she didn't want this, I just can't look at myself, she's still so young and all of this shouldn't have happened, it just shouldn't have." Virat said to himself, his eyes were red and wet, he was angry and confused. He held the railing in a tight grip and kept thinking about all of this.
The next morning Sai woke up early just so that she can talk to Virat, on seeing him, "Virat Sir I need to talk to you" said Sai, Virat turned and looked at her and then left without saying anything, "Virat sir, Virat sir" she called him but he ignored her and left, tears started rolling down her eyes on seeing his behaviour but she eventually wiped her tears, got ready and went off to college. This again continued for one week, Sai trying to talk to Virat and him ignoring her because he just couldn't face her.
Sunny came home for dinner, after dinner Sunny and Virat were on the terrace, he saw Virat looking tensed and asked him about what happened. Virat burst out crying and told Sunny the whole story. "Why Virat, why? Why are you ignoring Sai? She needs you the most right now and you are only ignoring her", said Sunny, "because I just can't face her, I just don't know what to do or say to her", Virat replied with tears in his eyes. "How Virat, how can you guys be so illogical? What did you guys think, huh? You guys thought that okay we'll get married until she becomes a doctor the we can go our separate ways, everything will go back to normal and as if never happened, right. No but it is marriage we are talking about, marriage is not just a wedding ceremony, it is life, it is a relationship between two people that is so strong that it can conquer all the hardships of life. Marriage takes a lot of effort and love, two people get habituated to each other being husband and wife. You think that you are mature Virat, but how could you behave and think so immaturely". "But Sunny" said Virat , "was this the first time you were intoxicated or drunk? Sunny asked "No" Virat replied "while being intoxicated have you ever gotten intimate with any other girl" asked Sunny, "what are you saying Sunny? No" said Virat "then why did you this time? But you got intimate with your wife, which is not wrong, you got intimate with her because YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH SAI my friend", on listening to Sunny's words, Virat was shocked, speechless and wondered weather it was really true. "But she didn't want any of this" Virat said "how do you know, have you talked to her?" Sunny asked "No" Virat replied, "then how can you decide for herself? Go talk to her and sort things out because you ignoring her doesn't do any good for either one of you", said Sunny. On talking to Sunny Virat realised his mistake of not talking to Sai and ignoring her and immediately wanted to rectify his mistake, "you're right Sunny, I need to talk to Sai" said Virat with a bit of excitement in his voice and rushed to his room.
Upon reaching his room Virat saw Sai putting clothes in the cupboard, on seeing her, he got a little awkward, hesitant and went silent. A piece of clothing fell from Sai's hands and he immediately went and picked it up helping her, "thank you" she said "hmm" he replied, "Virat Sir, I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow and being the father of the the baby you'll have to come with me",father of the baby those words hit him hard, "okay" he replied, now Sai was frustrated so she held Virat and pinned him to the cupboard and asked "what is this,huh?" "What?" he asked back, "you've been ignoring me since Holi and I've been wanting to talk to you since then. Why? For the past month I've just wanted to talk to you about what happened but you just ignored me, I know you didn't want all this, but do you also think that I am the one to blame for all of this because I do." Virat was shocked on hearing her and said "no Sai I don't blame you for anything", "then why have you been ignoring me?" She asked, "I couldn't face you, because I blamed myself for whatever happened between us, I couldn't look at myself because I knew that it was not something you wanted to happen." Said Virat, "I am sorry Virat sir, because of me you couldn't keep the promise you made to Pakhi didi, I am so sorry" Sai said crying, Virat said wiping her tears "no Sai, it's not about that, I haven't thought about Pakhi or that promise even once since all of this happened, times have changed I only made her that promise for the sake of my brother, I overestimated myself at that time but that promise holds no importance now. I couldn't face you for you, I was ashamed of myself for whatever happened." Sai was kind of relieved upon hearing about Pakhi's promise, "ashamed!! Why would you be ashamed Virat, you are my HUSBAND and I am your WIFE and this happens between a married couple, there's nothing wrong in that and I know that our marriage was just a deal but whatever happened, happened out of a mutual consent, it's not your fault, if it's your fault then it's mine too." Virat was happy and relieved hearing Sai, then Sai held his hand put it on her tummy and said "no matter what happened we can't deny the fact that we're going to have a baby, OUR BABY, WE ARE GOING TO BECOME PARENTS soon", Virat loved hearing "our baby and we are going to be parents", both of them got emotional, tears were rolling down their eyes as they both shared an eye contact full of love and emotions, Virat kissed Sai's forehead and they hugged, they found the utmost comfort and love in each other's embrace.
No matter how they must have reacted Virat and Sai instantly had an unknown feeling of love and protectiveness towards their baby.
But as all of this was happening Pakhi was peeping into their room, saw them and listened to their conversation. She was enraged with jealousy and grew extremely envious, but what will she do now?

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