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A few days passed and surprisingly all was well in Chavan Niwas the whole family had been relishing the fact that the whole family was happy after years. They were all together and happy with no hollow relationships except for one, Sai and Virat's relationship. The only relationship which was not like before or maybe it was actually like before, when they had just gotten married as a deal. Savi and Sai were living in Savi's room, the room Chavans had made for Savi. But not even once in these past few days had Sai even looked at Virat's room, the room that was once hers too. Maybe she was trying to avoid memories of getting surfaced again but it was nothing more than a futile effort. Sai, Virat and Savi had been living as a family at her house and as if that weren't enough hurt that she was back at Chavan Niwas and now it was hitting her even more, every moment she was getting reminded of the dreams she had, the dreams of having a family together with Virat, raising their child together with the whole family and living a content life together but all of those dreams were ruined and what the situation they ended up in. She wanted to live a life with Virat full of love-... was she even allowed to think about that? Now that she thinks was it ever even a thing then? "LOVE?" But there was no trust to begin with how can there have been love? It is the love for their daughter that got Sai and Virat together again. On the other hand now that Sai and Savi were living in Chavan Niwas Virat had spent all these days pining and hoping for his dreams to finally become a reality at least now. And he had been in agony pining for Sai, the force of his love was finally taking shape, for it took him years to let the force of love come to the surface. Virat knew that he was the one who let his dreams and relationship get destroyed, it was he who let his love go once but he was not foolish anymore, and he was not going to let anything happen now. He was going to fix everything this time, he was going to get his love, his wife back. They would live the life they dreamt of, maybe even better.
Sai came downstairs to the living room where everyone was sitting having tea. She came and sat on the sofa and started to speak "I want to say something...umm... it has been quite a few days that we've been living here, I think it's time for us to go. I don't think Savi and I can stay here any longer. We'll be leaving tomorrow", the whole family was shocked, they nearly choked on their tea. They couldn't let Sai and Savi go, hence, all of them started asking Sai to not go and stay longer. While all of this was going on Virat came there too and asked about what was going on. Ashwini told him that Sai was planning on leaving tomorrow. That was it, Virat couldn't even take the thought of Sai leaving again. "You can't leave Sai, you can't" Virat spoke with quivering lips. "Why Virat? Look I agreed to stay here for a few days and it's been a little more than that, I think I should now go back" said Sai. Virat came in front of Sai and spoke "You can't possibly leave Sai, you just can't. It is after years that you are finally back home, and I have my family back, I can't let go now. I've made that mistake once and I'm not gonna let that happen again", "What can you mean Virat? I had only come here for a mere few days and nothing more, what do you mean that you have us back? Look, Virat, all this was for Savi and nothing more. It means nothing to us. I can't stay here" said Sai now her whole body quivering with overwhelming emotions after maybe realising what Virat meant, and that was not possible. Sai felt her heart beating out of her chest, it was the moment of truth. Why did Virat not want her to leave? Virat held Sai's arms as he spoke "How does it all not mean anything, Sai? It does, we're finally back together Sai and I'm not gonna let it get ruined again." Sai was looking at him with disbelief, he spoke further "Sai...look Sai I know what happened in our past and I can't even tell you how sorry I am, you don't even know how much I hate myself for it and I know there is absolutely nothing in this world that I can do which can repair all that was done in the past but all I can do is ask for your forgiveness now. Please Sai, please forgive me, let's please start afresh, you and I along with our daughter Savi and our to-be-born babies. Let's, please live a happy life together as our family." Virat's eyes were full of tears and his whole body trembling because of all his suppressed emotions came to the surface. Sai was still looking at him in disbelief, but somewhere maybe a little spark of Sai's suppressed emotions also lit up. But how could she agree? After all the hurt? It wasn't possible anymore, right? "What are you even saying, Virat? There is nothing between us anymore? We don't share any relationship anymore. What you're saying is just not possible. It's not so please just stop. Where was this family of ours when you dissed me all those years ago? You and I are nothing to each other" said Sai. "We're nothing to each other? Is that why you still wear that mangal sutra around your neck? You're my wife, Sai, you're still my wife and I am still your husband" said Virat. Sai was still in disbelief about what was even happening, "I can't take this anymore" saying so Sai freed herself from Virat's clutch and started to move away. "I love you, Sai", Sai heard Virat's voice from behind as she stopped in her tracks she didn't know why she stopped but it was as if her foot wouldn't lift anymore, she was left bewildered. Her heart thumped loudly, somewhere in the deepest corners of her heart this is what Sai had been longing to hear all her life. And now that she had finally heard him say that to her she felt as if her ears were only made to hear this from him and nothing else for. Virat again came in front of Sai, "I love you, Sai, I've loved you my whole life but I guess I was too foolish to ever understand that then and in my foolishness I made you go away from me." Virat held both of Sai's hands as she just stood there not knowing what to do and with tears rolling down his face he spoke further "I can't live without you Sai, all these years I was miserable without you and I don't think I can take that again, If you go away from me I won't be able to live this time", within an instant Sai's hand covered his mouth. Virat smiled and spoke "If you can't bear me even saying that then don't let it happen, Sai, it's on you now. Please don't leave me, Sai please don't. Forgive me please, and if you can't forgive me right away that is also fine we will promise to work on that to make our relationship better but just don't leave me ever again, I can't live without you or our children. I love you Sai, I've loved you forever, so so very much." Sai felt as if her heart would come out of her chest at any time and she hugged Virat, she hugged him so very tight as if her life depended on it, crying. All those years of heart and it's funny how one moment can address all that hurt in an instant and give you the power to overcome all that. There was still a lot to work on together but this moment was just them, Sai and Virat all for each other. Breaking the hug Sai looked into Virat's eyes and spoke "I won't ever leave you again Virat. I love you too, I've loved you since always", now when those words entered Virat's ears he felt he couldn't stand on his feet anymore, he felt as if he were flying and at that moment he kissed Sai with all the love he had, it was a rather long kiss as the whole family blushed while being emotional and cleared their throats but Sai and Virat were oblivious to everything at that moment. The family was so happy that it couldn't be explained. Ashwini then came forward and asked Virat to fill Sai's hairline with sindoor. They went to the temple and Virat filled Sai's hairline with sindoor and that embarked their coming together and their new journey together again, this time with a promise of a lifetime of togetherness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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