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At the lab, Sai and Savi had come here for Savi's tests. Virat had also come to the lab to collect Ninad's blood sugar test reports. After giving the test, Savi spotted Virat at the counter, she went running to him and hugged him, Virat turned saw Savi and hugged her back, Sai too went running behind Savi, and saw Virat and Savi together, she just stood there. "Hello Savi, how are you baccha?" Asked Virat, "I am okay, it's just that I am not well, I have fever", on listening to this Virat got very tensed he immediately checked her forehead and said "you don't fever right now, but promise me you'll take care, have all your medicines on time, okay" "promise" said Savi "do you know I got an injection, but I didn't cry" Savi continued, "oh that's good, my brave girl" said Virat and gave her a smile when Sai said "Savi, shall we go home, you need to take rest too", Virat looked up saw Sai then looked at Savi and said "yes Savi now go home take rest, I too shall leave" hugged Savi, got up, "take care of her" he said to Sai, Sai nodded, he then put his hand on Savi's head then walked away. Sai picked Savi up and left too.
The next day, Savi was better, after dropping her off to school Sai went to the lab to collect Savi's reports. Sai after collecting the reports, stood next to her car and started reading the reports, as she read the reports, the ground slipped under her feet, she held the car for support, "no, no, no" that's all she could say, tears rolled down her eyes, denying her doubts she decided to consult Dr.Singh. She immediately sat in the car and went to the hospital.
Pakhi came out of the doctor's cabin dejected as if she had no reason to live. She had just gotten the news that the chances of her getting pregnant is very low, almost nil. She may never become a mother. She was about to sit in her car when she saw Sai getting down from her car and run frantically towards the hospital.
As Sai reached the hospital, she ran towards Dr. Singh's cabin, "Dr.Singh, I need to talk, please if you're free, it urgent", Dr.Singh was free at the time and said "yes, Dr.Sai please come in, I am free", Sai went inside handed him the reports and said "please tell me doctor that my doubts are wrong", on seeing the reports Dr. Singh let out a concerned sigh and said "I am sorry Dr. Sai, but your doubts are correct, your daughter has blood cancer". On listening to this, Sai fell on her knees crying and felt as if someone literally snatched life out of her body. Dr.Singh one of the best cancer specialist in all of India. He made Sai sit on the chair and said "I can understand what you must be feeling, but don't worry, I will treat Savi, effective immediately. Her cancer is still in its first stage and we have a lot of time. Nothing is going to happen to her", "what do we need to do doctor, please tell me, Savi will get okay, right. Please let me know the treatment that needs to be done" said Sai in a single breath. "Look Dr.Sai I suggest bone marrow transplant, we just need to find the match" Dr.Singh said "take mine, I am her mother our bone marrows would match, we share the same blood group" said Sai, Dr.Singh nodded and said "yes, it could match, where's Savi ?" "She's at her school" Sai replied "could you get her here after school, I would get your and Savi's test done and would let you know weather your bone marrows match by tomorrow morning" said Dr.Singh "yes, sure" said Sai in desperation.
After school Sai picked Savi up went to the hospital, they gave their tests. They returned back home, Sai made Savi do her homework, then they had dinner and then she put Savi to sleep. Sai behaved normally with Savi the whole day, hid her emotions but as Savi slept, Sai just couldn't control her tears, she cried the whole night.
It was midnight when Virat returned home, he was going to his room when he heard someone's sobs coming from the terrace, he went there and saw Pakhi sitting on the sofa and crying, he was about to go forward when he heard her say something.
On seeing Sai, Pakhi got a reality check, she sat on the terrace crying and said, "Sai..., I've wronged you that's why I am being punished. I was hell bent on ruining your life that I did the worst thing possible, why? For Virat, the Virat who never loved me to begin with and I blamed you for coming between us, but there was no us in the first place. I am facing the repercussions of my actions, I got those fake photos and DNA report made, proved that Virat is not the father of your baby and you are characterless. Now look where am I at? What did I get out of it? I separated you and Virat, depriving your child of a father, and look life is depriving me of becoming a mother."
Virat heard everything and walked away from there numb. As he entered his room, looked around and in rage banged his fist on the wall so hard that his hand started bleeding. He sat on the floor with his back against the bed and bursted out. Remorse was a very small word compared to what he was feeling, flashes of everything he did to Sai came before his eyes. The he finally spoke "how could I? How could I be so stupid to believe those fake proofs? How could I not trust Sai? How dare I question her character? I have deprived Savi of a father's love and myself of my own daughter. I deserve it, I deserve to not have her in my life because that lovely child doesn't deserve a man like me to be her father. I, myself have pushed my Sai and our daughter daughter away. I know what I have done and I deserve the worst punishment possible." His whole night was spent in utter agony.
The next day at Dr.Singh's cabin. "I am sorry Sai, but it didn't match" said Dr.Singh, disappointment struck Sai so hard and her heart ached so bad that she went numb and asked "what can we do now doctor?" "Don't be disappointed we could find another donor, what about Savi's father? Where is he? We should check whether him and Savi match?" Dr.Singh suggested, "yes doctor, he too shares the same blood group, I will get him" Sai said desperately, "okay Sai, come by 4:30 today" said Dr.Singh, "Sure doctor" Sai said and left.
Virat was still lying on the floor in agony with dried tears when he heard her voice, he heard her calling him, "Virat sir, Virat sir please come down, Virat sir."

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