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Chavan Niwas
The bell rang. Karishma opened the door and saw Sai, "Sai Bhabhi..." said Karishma. Sai without paying attention to anything moved past Karishma, went inside and started screaming "Virat sir.., Virat sir come down,Virat sir...", on listening to her screaming all the family members came out and were shocked on seeing Sai, "Ae jungli mulgi, what are you doing here? Why have you come back here after five years? What do you want now?" Said Bhavani kaku. As Ashwini came out she saw Sai, and instantly hugged her, pulling back Sai asked in desperation "Aai where is Virat sir, please call him". The family started to taunt Sai, but she did not pay heed to anyone and was calling Virat. Virat came down only to see Sai screaming and calling his name desperately with tears in her eyes. As Sai saw Virat she went running to him, joining her hands she spoke "Virat sir, please..please.. help me, please help me, Sa..Savi". Virat held her by her shoulders and asked "what happened? Is Savi alright", "Savi.., Virat sir please trust me I never cheated on you, Savi is your daughter, you are her father, I'll get the DNA test done then maybe you'll believe me, but please help me." "Ae jungli mulgi, what is this, stop with this drama of yours, and this Savi, isn't her your illegitimate child that you had?" Said Bhavani kaku, "No kaku, she's not my illegitimate child, but she's, mine and Virat sir's legitimate child, she's your grandchild. I am ready to get the DNA test done to prove it", "we know the truth, Patralekha got the DNA test done, and it proves that Virat is not the father of your child" Bhavani kaku said "enough kaku" said Virat, "Kaku, Baba, Omi kaka, Sonali kaku, Aai, everyone, believe me Savi is Virat sir's daughter, I never cheated on him", "okay then let's get the DNA test done and see whether you're saying the truth or not, Virat" said Bhavani kaku, "okay fine we'll get the DNA test done" Virat said irritatedly, he agreed to the test because he knew it was needed to be done to shut his family up, now, he doesn't want anyone pointing fingers at Sai, then he asked Sai, "Sai tell me what happened, is Savi alright? I am getting really worried", "Savi..Sa..Savi is not well, she..she" Sai gulped with tears rolling down her eyes, "what happened to her Sai?" Asked Virat firmly, Sai spoke crying, "Savi has blood cancer", Virat looked as Sai appalled, he startled taking steps back, eyes filled with tears, he stumbled upon the sofa and sat on it. He felt like someone put his heart on fire, he didn't know how to react. The whole family was shocked on listening about the little child's condition. Sai walked up to Virat and said "Virat sir, Savi's doctor suggested bone marrow transplant for her treatment, I offered mine as I am her mother and we share the same blood group but it didn't, you are her father and you too share the same blood group maybe yours will match" joining her hands she continued "please come with me I have an appointment with the doctor at 4:30", Virat looked at Sai and said "let's go". Sai was relieved that Virat agreed, then they left, they picked up Savi from school, on the way, Savi was very happy on seeing Virat. At the hospital, they gave their test, Sai requested for a DNA test as well. Sai made Savi sit in the car, turned to Virat and said "we'll get the test results by tomorrow morning, our appointment is at 11 am, please be here on time", "of course I'll be here on time, Savi is my daughter and she's in this state, I would do anything for her" said Virat, "you didn't really feel this way 5 years ago when you abandoned us" Sai said, Virat looked at her with pained eyes but couldn't say anything "anyways, I don't want to talk about the past, right now my daughter is my priority, I would do anything for her, bye" saying this Sai sat in the car and left. Virat stood there for some time with tears continuously rolling down his eyes and then went home. Sai put Savi to sleep and prayed for the bone marrows to match. Virat too kept praying for the same, both of them didn't sleep the whole night praying.
The next morning Sai dropped Savi off to school, then reached the hospital, she met Virat at the hospital gate then they went to the doctor's cabin together. "Sai, Virat, I need to discuss Savi's case with you both" said Dr.Singh "yes doctor please continue" Virat and Sai said at the same time, "so, as I have told you Savi's cancer is at it's first stage, we do have a lot of time, as her medications are going on it needs to continue, because Virat and Savi's bone marrows did not match" said Dr.Singh, it didn't match, those words broke Virat and Sai, they went completely numb for a minute then "what now doctor, what are we supposed to do now" both Virat and Sai asked together desperately, "both the parents's bone marrows did not match, but", "but what doctor" Sai asked to which Dr.Singh said "but there's another way, now listen to me carefully, sometimes parents and the child don't match as the father consists only his DNA, and the mother consists only her DNA, but siblings, they are usually the perfect match as they consist both the mother and father's DNAs same as the other sibling, now, Sai, Virat both of you have the same blood group and so does Savi as she's your daughter. I suggest you both to have another child, look if you have another baby it will also share the same blood group, and Savi and her sibling's bone marrows will definitely match." Sai and Virat looked at the doctor shocked, then looked at each other awkwardly, but they knew they have to do this, for Savi, their daughter because god forbid they couldn't afford to let anything happen to their daughter.

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