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"Am I in love with Sai?" Virat questioned himself and blushed. But Pakhi was eavesdropping their conversation she heard everything. Pakhi was burning with jealousy and decided to ruin Sai's life, she said to herself "Virat can't love you Sai, I won't let you win, I know exactly what to do."
Sai was now 8 months pregnant and Virat was now on paternity leave. It was 11 pm at night Virat had come downstairs to take water, he was going back to his room when he heard Pakhi. "Virat stop" Pakhi said, Virat turned and asked "what happened Pakhi?" "I need to talk to you about something important" Pakhi said, "I am listening" said Virat, "see, Virat it's not going to be easy for you to listen" said Pakhi, "Pakhi just say it" Virat said. Pakhi handed him an envelope it contained a DNA report and some photos. The DNA report stated that Virat and the baby's DNA don't match, Virat is not the father of the baby and the photos were of Sai and some guy together in compromising positions. Upon seeing the report and the photos Virat's eyes were filled with tears, red and full of rage he stood there still. Pakhi now spoke "your wife is a cheater Virat, Sai has cheated on you, the baby she is carrying in her womb is not yours, you are not the baby's father but the guy in the photos with her is. How could you believe her Virat, you married her out of your responsibility, she didn't want to marry you, do you still think she would be loyal to you? She was having an affair with this guy and is trying to impose her sin on you. She tricked you into having sex with her, she spiked your drink on purpose, tricked you and got intimate with you. You put your whole life at stake by marrying her, you didn't think about yourself at all when doing so, and your wife she did this to you, I feel really bad for you Virat, you have to go through all this because of her. She is nothing but an ungrateful cheater and a CHARACTERLESS woman." "Pakhi didi" a loud voice came from behind Virat and Pakhi turned to see Sai standing, Sai had come down to check what took Virat so long? But instead she saw and heard all of this, Sai came forward towards Pakhi and said "how dare you? How dare you question my character Pakhi didi? Why are you doing all this, what is your problem with me and my baby? Don't you dare speak anything against me or my baby." Sai you can't insult me like this, whatever I said is the truth, Virat is not the father of your baby, you are a characterless woman, you should be ashamed of yourself" said Pakhi. Sai turned to Virat with eyes full of tears and said "Virat Sir this is all a lie, Pakhi didi is lying to you, she is deceiving you, this is your baby, our baby, I haven't cheated on you, believe me", "enough Sai" Virat screamed, her pulled Sai's hand in rage and handed her the photos and the DNA report, "you can deny Pakhi's accusations but how are you going to deny the proof. Why did you cheat on me Sai? Why? You're a cheat, you're a CHARACTERLESS woman Sai" Virat yelled at Sai. Upon listening to Virat, Sai was totally shattered, looked at him in disbelief atand said crying "that's not true Virat sir, believe me, please believe me" she was pleading him to believe her just then "aaaahh" Sai screamed holding her baby bump, she went into early labour. "Sai" Virat exclaimed, she was about to fall down but Virat held her, "Aaah..., Aaahh.., Virat Sir" Sai screamed in pain, Virat picked Sai up in his arms, ran outside and put her in the car and rushed her to the hospital. Upon reaching the hospital, Virat picked said in his arms out of the car and laid her down the stretcher, Sai was holding Virat's hand tightly as she screamed in pain, "emergency" Virat said to the nurse and the nurse went called the doctor, Sai's doctor was present there at the hospital, she came saw Sai, "take her to the room" doctor ordered. In the room the doctor checked Sai and said to Virat "we will have to perform the operation immediately, how did she go into early labour? I had specifically asked to take extreme care of her, she still young and this pregnancy was too much for her, I told you she shouldn't get even slightly stressed, this situation can be life threatening to her." Virat was shocked on listening to the doctor "do whatever you need to doctor but please save her" Virat said with tears rolling down his eyes. Sai was shifted to the operation theatre, Virat was praying to god "please don't let anything happen to my Sai god, please", he kept praying. In the operation theatre Sai was only taking Virat's name, even in her unconscious state she kept saying "Virat sir, Virat sir", "who's Virat" the nurse asked, "her husband, I think he should be here, go call him inside" the doctor ordered. The nurse went to Virat and told him that the doctor has called him inside, Virat followed the nurse, he was asked to wear the surgical apron an cap before entering the operation theatre. Virat entered the operation theatre saw Sai unconscious, went and held her hand, he could only hear her taking his name while being unconscious. The operation began. Virat witnessed the birth of his baby, tears were rolling down his eyes, "congratulations it's a girl" said the doctor and handed him the baby, as Virat held the baby it was an inexplicable feeling, eyes filled with tears and his newborn in his hand. "Sai is not responding" said the doctor, as the doctor said that, Virat's heart literally stopped, the doctor immediately performed CPR and Sai revived but she was still not okay. As Sai revived Virat's was relieved. The nurse took the baby from Virat and told him that the baby need to be in the incubator as she is premature.
Sai was shifted to the room still unconscious, Virat was sitting beside her. As she gained consciousness, she opened her eyes and saw Virat, her fist instinct was she held her tummy , "my baby, where's my baby, how's my baby, what happened?" She asked hurriedly and tensed. "The baby is fine, she is in the incubator as she is born premature" said Virat, on hearing this Sai thanked god that her baby is okay. She then realised everything and turned her head away from Virat with disgust in her eyes and said "you may leave Mr Virat Chavan, you need not be here, please leave and do not say anything and don't come here to the hospital again", Virat just couldn't say anything, he got up walked to the door, turned looked at Sai, turned back and left then he went to the incubator room and saw the baby with tears in his eyes he caressed the baby's head and left.As Virat left Sai cried her heart out. Upon reaching home Virat in his room sat on the floor with his back leaning against the bed and cried his heart out. The next day upon reaching the hospital, Virat got to know that Sai is not there anymore, although it was not advised, she took a voluntary discharge and had left.

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