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"Negative", the test result showed negative which meant Sai was not pregnant. Their hearts stopped for a moment when they saw the result. They looked at each other trying to feel something as they had gone numb for sometime. Tears trickled down Sai and Virat's eyes. Their hands shivered. And they hugged each other while they cried. Pulling back Virat wiped off all of Sai's tears which she was crying saying "Savi...Savi...Savi", and he spoke "hey, it's okay, don't worry nothing is going to happen to Savi. She'll be alright. We won't let anything happen to her. Nothing is gonna to her, nothing." as if trying to console himself alongwith Sai. Wiping Virat's tears Sai said "yeah, nothing is gonna happen to her. I know we won't let anything happen to her. You don't worry too." They stood there looking into each other's eyes sharing an eye contact while still in each other's embrace finding comfort and solace. After a few moments they realised the position they were in and them moved back. Looking here and there as reality just hit them that Sai was not pregnant and it meant that they had to keep trying. They looked at each other awkwardly not being able to say anything. "Uhhmm", Virat cleared his throat and spoke "I think I should go pick Savi up from her school, it's time. Do you wanna come along or shall I go alone and pick her up?" breaking the awkward silence between them. "Umm no no... I mean yeah I'll come along with you to pick Savi" Sai replied. They composed themselves, got out, sat in the car together and left to pick Savi up from school.
They were standing outside the school's gate waiting for Savi when Virat spoke "Sai...I'm so sorry that the test came out negative", "Why are you saying sorry Virat? It's not your fault, we can't actually control it", "I know but still" Virat replied taking a deep breath. "As it is you can't always be a one shot hunk" Sai said smirking. Virat's mouth was left open hearing what Sai just said and he asked " what did you just say?" "Nothing... I said nothing" replied Sai, "Excuse me madam! I heard what you said very well" said Virat, "then why did you ask me?" replied Sai "That was an expression if you don't know but what did you exactly mean by that huh!? Don't forget I am the OG one shot hunk" Virat spoke confidently winking at her. Sai with a chuckle replied "Savi was an accidental coincidence but it can't always be the same case right, I mean you already lost it this time", Sai with a smirk bit her lower lip as she said that. Virat squinted his eyes and said "Hey hey hey don't go doubting my capabilities I can still get you pregnant real quickly", "I mean I'm not saying that it won't or can't happen it's just that you've become old now" said Sai sassily. There it was, the old banter after years. This seemed like them being their true selves again bantering just like they used to years ago. But they weren't even realising what were they bantering about. Virat held Sai's hand and pulled her towards and now their faces were just centimetres away, Virat in an intense voice spoke "I'll show you what this old guy can do just wait and watch Sai." Saying that he left Sai's hand but they kept looking at each other until they were interrupted by Savi's voice "Aai Baba", Sai and Virat turned towards their little daughter and a big smile conquered their faces. Virat went ahead and picked Savi up in his arms, "Aai Baba do you know I made a new friend today, she's new to our class today was her first day no one talked to her but I did and we instantly became friends" Savi narrated her story of becoming friends with the new girl in class. "Oh wow so nice that you made a new friend in class, my daughter is so sweet and kind just like your Aai" said Virat in a baby voice admiring how his daughter was such a kind soul, she was just like her mother. Hearing what Virat said Sai somewhere felt really good. "Come on now let's sit in the car and guess what we're gonna go have burgers today" Sai spoke, "really Aai? We're gonna have burgers yaayyy!" Savi screamed in happiness. All three of them sat in the car and left from there.
But Sai and Virat had to save their daughter and to do so they had to have another child. They kept their routine up and kept trying two months later Sai was again taking the pregnancy test, she hadn't really been feeling well for the past week. She had called Virat home too. Taking the test she came outside of the washroom anticipating for the result again and now it was time to check the result. Sai handed it to Virat without seeing the result and said "you do it please, Virat you check the result please I just can't do it." Understanding her situation Virat took the pregnancy test and flipped it, even his hands were shaking while doing so but when he saw the result tears couldn't stop rolling down his face as he spoke "Sai...Sai...it's positive". Sai had closed her eyes tightly shut and as soon as she heard Virat she eyes opened she took the test from Virat looked at it and burst out crying, after three consecutive negative results the result was finally positive. Sai was pregnant. She fell on the floor crying, her daughter will be alright, it was as if someone knocked a bag of hope onto her again and she was overwhelmed. Virat sat beside her, him crying too. Both looked at each other, they'll finally be able to save their daughter and they were gonna have another child together. Nothing could explain what Virat felt was feeling, it was not just the happing that his Savi will become alright but he was gonna have another child with his love Sai, everything he missed with Savi he could live again with the means of this new baby. Sai and him are gonna be parents of two children. Virat in these past months had felt complete with his family and now his family was growing by another member. In that moment Virat knew this is all he wishes for in his life and this is what completes him, he had been nothing without his family, his world. And he decided he would never let this go away again or ever, he would perish before he lets his world get destroyed. He will win his world back.

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