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Monday morning, it was Savi's first day of school and Sai's first day at the hospital, Sai only had to do the joining procedure today and was supposed to start working from tomorrow onwards. They got ready, had breakfast and left, Sai had to first drop Savi off to school, upon reaching the school, Sai escorted Savi to the school gate, kneeled down, kissed Savi's cheek and said "all the best baccha", "thank you Aai, bye" Savi said and waved at Sai, she waved back and said "bye", Sai got up stood there watching her daughter enter the school until she disappeared. Sai left from there and reached the hospital. Meanwhile Virat, as he left for the police station in his jeep, on the way he witnessed a fight going on the road, he immediately stopped and barged into the fight to stop it, a man had got severely injured during the fight. Virat immediately rushed him to the hospital. At the hospital, Sai was almost done with all the formalities when a nurse came running to her and said "dr Sai, I know you're supposed to start from tomorrow but we don't have any home doctors available at the moment and there's an emergency case of severe injury, please attend him", Sai without a thought said "of course I'll attend him, I am a doctor and patient always comes first, please lead me to him". As they rushed towards the room Sai bumped into Virat and was about to fall but Virat held her they shared an eye contact. Five years, it's been five years since they haven't seen each other, five years they've been away from each other, five years of being without love. Sai then stood up and braced herself, "Sai, what are you doing here?" Asked Virat, "Nagpur is a big city, you don't own it, and as of now I've to go check on my patient" saying this she walked into the room, she walked into the room stood against the door, put her hand on her heart and closed her eyes, a lone tear escaped her eye, her heart was beating fast and she was breathing heavily, she gathered herself and went forward to check the patient. Virat left from there hastily, went and sat in his car, his heart beating fast as he kept his hand on his heart and closed his eyes, he was in agony but was still proud seeing Sai as a doctor, with mixed feelings he drove off to the police station, he couldn't focus on anything the whole day, flashes of Sai didn't leave his sight at all, which made his eyes wet. After leaving from the hospital as Sai sat in the car she couldn't control her tears anymore, she wiped her tears and put on a smile when she reached Savi's school to pick her up, looking at Savi made Sai's heart wrench as she thought about all the past happenings and wondered how things could have been totally different if only he trusted her. The whole night neither Virat nor Sai could sleep thinking about each other. 2 days passed but the thoughts and flashes of each other just didn't leave their minds.
Chavan Niwas
Pakhi took a pregnancy test and it again came out to be negative, she was dejected as usual but it was nothing new for her, she had been trying to have a baby for the past 3 years, but it always came out negative. After Sai left for the first two years, Pakhi still obsessed over Virat but he hasn't spoken a word to her for the past 5 years, when she realised that Virat won't ever love her, and to be honest no one will, as she herself pushed her husband away. She wanted to have a baby so that even she can be happy, love someone and get loved by someone unconditionally. As for physical relationship, she made Samrat give her a promise to give her a child, they would only get intimate during her ovulation, but there were no feelings, no love between them. Their relationship was hollow, if given a choice Samrat would divorce her right away but he couldn't due to some members of his family. But alas who was to blame for her misery? Wasn't she herself the reason for it all.
Abhimanyu had landed in Nagpur, he called Sai to inform about it. They decided to meet at the mall the next day to discuss everything related to the hospital.
Virat was at the police station when Ashwini called him and said "Virat it is Harini's birthday tomorrow and we're invited, so you have to come and please buy a nice gift for her", "oaky Aai" replied Virat and cut the call. He had a lot of work today so he decided to go to the mall and buy the gift tomorrow.
The next day, Abhimanyu and Sai met at the mall, Savi had also come with Sai. Sai asked Sunita to take Savi and show her around at some stores, while Abhimanyu and Sai sat in a cafe and discussed all the work related stuff. Meanwhile Virat was also present at the same mall to shop for the gift, he was looking around when he saw Savi, an instant smile captured his face as he went to meet her. " Hello my someone special" said Virat said tapping at Savi's back, she instantly turned back, saw him and immediately hugged him and said "hello to you too my someone special". They started talking. Sai was done with the work, she called Sunita to ask about where they were "Sunita where are you, I am done with my work", "madam were at at xxx store on the first floor" "okay you stay there, I am coming" said Sai and cut the call. Abhimanyu too came with Sai, as they reached the store, Sai spotted Savi and walked towards her, "Savi come on let's go" Sai was saying when she saw Virat, her heart thumped, she saw Virat with Savi, their daughter. "Aai" Savi screamed in excitement, Virat looked up only to see Sai, his heart thumped. He stood up and realised, Savi is Sai's daughter, agony hit him, Sai and him shared an eye contact with their eyes filled with tears, then he saw a man standing behind Sai, he tightened his fist and left. Sai stood there trying to gather herself, when Abhimanyu said "Sai, so I'll be leaving, see you at the doctor's association meet, bye", Sai coming out of her trance said "yes, okay, bye". She held Savi's hand and said "Savi come on we have to leave" and left immediately.

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