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Savi was extremely happy on meeting her whole family. She loved how she was getting all the attention and how each and everyone was pampering her. She didn't know she had such a big joint family and she loved having such a big family around her. The Chavans then made Savi sit and did some traditional rituals of welcoming her. They gave her a lots of gifts. Everyone was basically competing to have a chance at playing with Savi. Savi had never seen so much love from so many family members because up until now it was on her and her mother but now she had her baba and so many relations, such a big family and everyone loved her and Savi was just so happy. Seeing her daughter so happy and getting all the love she deserved from her family made Sai even happier and a little emotional too. Virat was also very happy. They then went to to the dining area and there were so many dishes prepared for Savi, from traditional marathi food to western food, so many sweets, everything was there for Savi. And the whole family were now at feeding Savi. While all this was happening someone was wanting to talk to Sai. It was none other than Pakhi she was trying with all her might to approach Sai and start a conversation until she finally did gather the courage and approached Sai hesitantly. She wanted to apologise to Sai. "Sai...can I please talk to you", Pakhi finally spoke. Sai was shocked to see Pakhi trying to talk to her. "Yes Pakhi didi" replied Sai, "I'm so sorry Sai, I beg for you to forgive me. I can't live with what I did to you anymore. Please please forgive me. I beg for it" Pakhi finally spoke begging for Sai's forgiveness. "Why are you saying sorry now Pakhi didi? What's the use?" said Sai. "No Sai please don't say that, please forgive me Sai, please do" Pakhi said asking for forgiveness. "Listen Pakhi didi what had to happen, happened. I don't want to talk about it anymore, it's the past and let's just let it be that way. My and my daughter's lives had to be ruined and it did" said Sai. Pakhi spoke again "no Sai I'm your culprit, even Savi's, I'm her culprit too. I ruined your live and her life too. I'm the one because of whom you had to live away from your husband and your relation broke, it's because of me an innocent child had to live fatherless for years. It's all me, I did it all. I was just so jealous and filled with hatred for you that I did such a thing. In my love for Virat I ruined not only yours and Savi's but his life too. I separated a father and daughter for years. Tarnished your character. I wanted him to be mine. And look where all that got me at, neither did I get Virat because maybe he was never mine and nor love. Now no one loves me, I'm all alone. I wanted to have a baby so that at least my baby loves me and have been trying to have a child for years but I couldn't conceive. And now I've got to know that there are extremely low chances of me becoming a mother. I may not become a mother ever. All this is because I've wronged you and Savi. Please forgive me Sai or else I won't be able to live with it. I just can't live with it." Pakhi folded her hands in front of crying and asking for forgiveness for all that she did. Sai didn't know how to react seeing Pakhi crying and asking forgiveness. She couldn't bear Pakhi's state and asked her to stop crying and begging. Honestly, Sai had to suffer a lot because of Pakhi but seeing her like this Sai pitied her and felt bad for her condition. Pakhi kept asking for forgiveness when Sai said "Pakhi did please stop begging and crying", "No Sai tell me you forgive me or else I won't stop until you do" said Pakhi. Sai just couldn't bear it anymore and spoke "it's okay I forgive you. I do. I hold no grudges", Pakhi's happiness knew no bounds as she heard Sai forgive her and instantly hugged Sai thanking her for her forgiveness. Sai didn't know how to react but she smiled at her. Ashwini then called Sai to also have lunch. Sai excused herself and went to the dining table. Pakhi was finally relieved and a burden of bad deeds had been removed from her conscience. Ashwini had prepared all of Sai's favourite dishes and the ones she craved during her 1st pregnancy with Savi. She served the dish Sai craved the most during her pregnancy the first time around. Sai on seeing Ashwini serve it to her looked upto Ashwini feeling a bit emotional as she still remembered that this is what she used to crave the most. "I remember how you craved for this all the time when you were pregnant for the first time" Ashwini said to Sai as she served it to her. She then sat next to Sai and asked her about her health and how she had been feeling as she was pregnant. Sai told her that she was feeling okay and had her first sonogram appointment in two days. After hesitating a bit Ashwini spoke "Sai can I ask something from you?" "Yes Aai please" replied. Taking a breath Ashwini spoke further "Sai I want you and Savi to stay with us. Please Sai, you're pregnant with yet another grandchild of ours and I want to take care of you during your pregnancy. I want you to stay here so that you can be cared for properly while being pregnant. And Savi is our granddaughter, she deserves to live with her family. Please Sai, do consider it." Sai was shocked on hearing Ashwini's request to her. Did she know what was she asking from her?

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