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Dr Sai Joshi entered her home only to see her little munchkin come running towards her giggling and screaming "Aai", Sai bent down and hugged her daughter Savi. "Did you have dinner?" Asked Sai "no madam she hasn't eaten her dinner yet" said Sunita who was the nanny cum care taker cum domestic help. "Haww why did you not have dinner yet? Come on now Aai will feed you" Sai said to Savi, Savi put her fingers on her forehead and said "oh ho Aai I was waiting for you, I will also feed you" as Savi put her fingers on her forehead, Sai instantly got reminded of Virat, he also used to do this and how they would feed each other. Savi was the splitting image of her father, her nature, her actions, her likes dislikes everything was like Virat. Sai came out of her reverie and said "okay enough drama now come let's go have dinner" she picked up Savi in her arms, went and sat on the dining table, Sunita served them dinner, they had dinner. After having dinner Sai changed, after changing as she came out of the washroom she saw Savi playing football and a flashback from when Sai was pregnant came before her eyes of Virat saying "the baby is quite a kicker, will become a football player like me", a lone tear fell from her eyes as she questioned him in his thoughts "why Virat sir? Why did you not have faith in me? Did you really think so low of me that I would cheat on you?" "Savi come on bedtime" said Sai "okay Aai coming" Savi replied coming to the bed running and hugging Sai, "careful baccha, now Aai will put you to sleep, come on lay down" Sai said and then started to caress Savi's hair, "Aai, where is Baba? And why doesn't he come to meet us?" Asked Savi, "Savi baccha, I have told you na your Baba is a very busy man" Sai replied, "why doesn't he live with us?" Savi asked, "because as I've told you your Aai and Baba have some problems between them, these are big people problems and you're still too young to understand them, and now no more talking okay" said Sai "good night" she said "good night Aai" said Savi. Sai kept caressing her head as she slowly drifted to sleep, Sai smiled seeing her daughter sleep, she got up stood near the window looking at the moon and thinking about Virat and later went off to sleep. Sai Joshi was now a successful doctor working at one of the best hospitals of Delhi, but she was an even better mother, she loved her daughter as she was her sole reason to live. She loved someone else too, her husband Virat, no matter how much he hurt her, she could never hate him. She has always told Savi the truth about her father, she always told her how good of a man her father is and never tried to turn her against him, she wanted Savi to have love and respect for her father in her heart, even though her father did not respect or love her mother.
It was quite late at night when Virat entered Chavan Niwas, he was about to go to his room when he heard Bhavani kaku say "Virat stop!" Virat turned to see the whole family sitting in the living room, "why are you all awake at this hour?" Asked Virat, "what to do, to see your face we have to be awake this late at night, what is this Virat? It's been so long since we've seen your face properly, you are always out of station for some or the other case and when you are in the city, you come home after everyone is asleep and leave before anyone opens their eyes" said Bhavani kaku, "I am not in the mood to talk kaku and you all don't ruin your sleep" said Virat "how Virat? How do we sleep? Sleep has been snatched away from our eyes long back. All because of that jungli mulgi Sai, she snatched peace and happiness from this house. She cheated on you and tried to impose her illegitimate child on you, she is the reason for all the mishap" Bhavani kaku said, which angered Virat as he tightened his fist "enough kaku I don't want to talk about Sai" said Virat. "Now you all go back to sleep, good night" Virat said nonchalantly and went to his room. As Virat entered his room, he could feel Sai, he could feel her all around. Every particle of the room contained her essence. Virat changed, laid on the bed thinking about Sai and cried himself to sleep just like he did everyday. After Sai left, Virat Chavan had no reason to live, the woman he loved wasn't with him, his wife wasn't with him, because she cheated on him. He took her responsibility when she had no one, he loved her but Sai, she just cheated on him. Virat Chavan was now a lifeless body, who drowned himself in workload, he would come home late and leave early. He resented his family for treating Sai badly, maybe if they treated her right, if she was happy she wouldn't have cheated on him, he tried negotiating but then, what wrong did he do? Why did she do this to him? He always stood by her but she deceived him. The Chavan family were not the same as they were before, Ashwini, Shivani and Mohit resented the family for their treatment towards Sai and Virat for not trusting her and questioning her character. They hated Pakhi. Pakhi thought that she would win but little did she realise it was not a competition between her and Sai, her husband did not pay heed to her because according to Samrat falling in love with Virat before marriage, before she knew Samrat wasn't a sin but marrying him to use him to stay close to Virat, ruining Virat and Sai's life, and being a married woman obsessing over her brother in law even though he was married, was. Virat for whom she did  all this, hadn't spoken to her in 5 years.
The next morning Sai woke up got ready, got Savi ready as well, they had breakfast. Sai dropped Savi off to her school and went to the hospital. Upon reaching the hospital Sai greeted everyone, went to her cabin and sat on her table and started reading some files. Suddenly the door of her cabin open and a voice came "good morning dr Sai", Sai looked up and saw Abhimanyu standing, "good morning dr Abhimanyu" Sai wished him back with a smile. Abhimanyu came and sat in front of Sai and said "I need to discuss something" Sai closed her files and said "yes speak", "you'll have to leave for Nagpur a day after tomorrow, the hospital work needs to start as soon as possible, you'll have to first meet with the architect there to discuss regarding the design of the project and the construction of the hospital, then do all the formalities regarding the permits and licences. I will join you there in a few days before the doctor's association meeting", "a day after tomorrow, I was supposed to leave next week right" said Sai, "yes I know but you'll have to go early and get everything into action" Abhimanyu said "and what about my joining at the Nagpur branch?" Asked Sai, "that's still due next week, till then you'll just do everything I told you and enjoy, I hope your house has been arranged and what about Savi's school?" Said Abhimanyu, "yes the house has been arranged and I've applied to some schools for her, we just need to give some interviews for her admission there, I can do that until then" Sai replied. "Okay then you're sorted, here are your flight tickets, you should leave now and get ready to go, good luck" Abhimanyu said handing her the tickets " thank you, I just have some work, I'll wind it up then leave and pick up Savi from her school on the way and go back home"said Sai, "okay then, bye" Abhimanyu said and left. Sai sat there and thought "life is again taking me to a point from which I have come very far, but this time I am not going to let anyone break me, I've been shattered before but not this time, I am going back there to fulfil my Aaba's dream" tears were rolling down her eyes as she started to reminisce about Virat, brushing her thoughts away she wiped her tears and said to herself "no I won't let him hurt me again, Nagpur is a big city and I will not come across him."
Sai was very good at what she did, she has attained a great name for herself as a doctor. She had this dream to open a hospital in her Aaba's name to provide the best healthcare services, and even wanted to the hospital to have a wing to give free medical service. Abhimanyu's family owned the chain of hospitals she currently worked at and Abhimanyu was her ally and investor for the hospital.

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