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Coming out of the doctor's cabin Sai and Virat looked at each other awkwardly. Walking through the lobby "umm...so" Sai started "I know this is awkward but we've got to do this", "uhh...hmm...yes" Virat replied. "But how do we do this?" asked Virat. "Well...I gotta check my ovulation. I think I'll probably be ovulating next week so yeah we will have to...uhh...umm...schedule our rendezvous accordingly. "Hmm" replied Virat, "we gotta do it 3-4 days before the ovulation day, on the ovulation day and 3-4 days post ovulation day. Basically the whole ovulation period. That is what it's gonna be for us to be able to conceive", said Sai sheepishly. Virat looked at her and nodded. But the "us" just hit him hard. "So I think you should come to my house mid next week and stay with us for the next few days" Sai said awkwardly and looked the other way. "Umm...is that what you want? I mean are you sure?" asked Virat, "yeah, we have to do this" said Sai, "okay" Virat replied. "So see you, I gotta pick Savi up from school, bye." Sai said walking away when Virat stopped her and spoke "if you don't mind then can I come? I mean to pick Savi up, I really want to meet her." "Umm...okay. And as it is I think it's time for Savi to get introduced to her father. I feel she should know the truth now" said Sai. Virat looked at her astonished, he felt as if he found water in desert, as if he found a lifeline in a hopeless life. Even he couldn't understand the inexplicable happiness he felt. He was finally gonna be his daughter's father.
Soon they reached Savi's school. As Savi came out she ran to Sai hugging her "Aai" she exclaimed. Then she saw Virat "ohh my someone special is also here" said Savi. "Yeah I'm here for you Savi" saying this Virat kneeled down as Savi hugged him. Virat took in all that he could feeling this moment to the fullest tearing as he hugged his daughter. Sai felt her eyes tear up too as she saw the father daughter hug. Then Sai spoke "Savi...beta do you remember Aai had told you that your Baba has some important work so he's busy and that's why he never visits us. Then you would ask me when will he get free and I told you he'll get free soon." "Yes Aai I do remember. Did he get free?" asked Savi. "Well yes Savi beta he did get free so you might not want to call him your someone special anymore but you should call him your Baba. Yes baccha your someone special is your Baba. "Really!" said Savi, turning towards Virat she continued shyly "are you my Baba?" to which Virat nodded smiling. "Have you become free now? Will you be with me now?" she asked further, "yes baccha, I will be with you forever now. I'll never leave you. I'll always love you with all my heart, protect you, pamper you and do anything and everything for you. Your Baba is the biggest fool to have lost all this time being away from you in thr first place but I'll be here forever now", tears automatically rolling down his eyes. "Baba, my Baba" saying Savi started crying and hugged Virat again. Virat felt as if someone just brought him back to life, he was hollow all this while and someone just gave him life back. And it his daughter who did. And at that moment Sai felt her heart so full. Virat picked Savi up and caressed her head making her to stop crying. "It's time to go home" Sai spoke after sometime making Virat and Savi come out of their moment. "You can come with us too if you want to. Spend some time with Savi" Sai offered. "Yes sure" Virat agreed to it in an instant. Then they left from there and went home.
On the way back home Savi sat on Virat's lap in the car and didn't leave him even as they reached home. After changing Savi's clothes they sat together on the dining table as Sunita served them lunch. "Will you please feed me today?" Savi asked Virat "Yeah sure baccha I would love to" said Virat as he got emotional on her request. Feeding his daughter by his own hands was such a blissful feeling for Virat. There's nothing he wouldn't do for that little girl. Sai on the other hand was happy about her daughter finally getting the love of her father but her heart also pained thinking about her daughter's condition and how this same father didn't trust her mother and didn't accept her as well. She didn't even know how to feel. After being done with lunch it was time for Virat to go although Savi didn't want him to go but Virat promised her that he'll come meet her soon and left.
As Virat reached home the whole family was waiting for Virat to come back and let them know about what happened. Virat told them everything. But today the family saw a new version of Virat when he was talking about Savi. It wasn't just Virat but Virat who was now a father. The whole family wanted to meet Savi but the family and Virat knew that they should be in some limitations after everything that has happened. Hence Virat too didn't go to meet Savi.
A few days had passed now and it was time for Virat to go to Sai's. He had all his stuff packed and ready. There was a strange inexplicable feeling which Virat. It was funny what was going on in their life, like a cruel joke that life had played with them leading to such situations which even they can't understand themselves. But giving anything except Savi wasn't a use of time. Savi was both Virat and Sai's top priority and they knew they would do anything for their daughter. And just for that Virat left for Sai's house.

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