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After breaking the hug Virat and Sai shared an eye contact, Sai felt a little dizzy so Virat made her lay on the bed. "Virat sir, what is going to happen at the doctor's appointment? It's my first time na." Sai asked, Virat gave her a look and said "how would I know? You're saying as if I already have 3-4 kids", she gave him an annoyed look, "good night" she said, "good night" he wished her back and they slept.
The next day at the doctor's appointment
The doctor did the check up and said that everything is fine, then they proceeded for the ultrasound. The doctor showed Virat and Sai the image of their baby on the screen, upon seeing their baby, they felt so ecstatic that they couldn't handle it, they held hands in a tight grip, they looked at the screen, then looked at each other with tears of happiness rolling down their eyes. The doctor then asked "do you want to hear the heartbeat of the baby?" "Yes" they said in synchrony. When they heard the heartbeat of their baby a surreal feeling struck their hearts, they were overwhelmed with joy.
The whole family was sitting together in the hall when Virat and Sai returned from the doctor's appointment, they showed the photos of the baby's sonogram to the family, they were very excited and happy on seeing it and the whole family started discussing about their plans for the baby. "I will feed the poor and donate stuff to the needy when the baby is born" Bhavani kaku said, "that is a very good thought Vahini" Ninad said agreeing to Bhavani, " we will get the baby a lot of toys to play, actually we will get him/her the whole toy store" Sonali and Omkar said. "I would take up the role of becoming horse for baby and I would teach him/her all the alphabets and numbers" said Mohit, "and I would teach the baby how to..." Karishma was saying but was interrupted by Sonali saying "Karishma you don't do anything, you could only teach the baby to speak daddu sutto, daddu sutto." Everyone laughed, then Shivani said "I would be the cool one and spoil the baby, but the baby shouldn't call me grandma, I'm still so young", "Samrat would've been so happy if he was here and if he would have been here maybe I would also be having a grandchild" Mansi bua said, "Mansi bua Samrat dada will surely return and that too very soon" Sai said assuring Mansi, "and this baby is your grandchild too bua" said Virat, Mansi smiled. "I will cook everything the baby likes and feed him/her so much that he/she will get fat" said Ashwini "Aai don't feed the baby so much that he/she gets fat" Virat said, "why not? I will definitely do that, my grandchild will look cute" Ashwini replied. Sai was admiring the whole family being excited for the baby, she really loved the attention and care she received especially from Bhavani, Ninad, Omkar and Sonali, even if it was for the baby she liked the importance. Virat saw her, they smiled while looking at each other, he held her hand and they admired the family together. The discussion went on even through dinner. But there was one person who wasn't happy and did not enjoy seeing any of it, yes, it was Pakhi she thought to herself, "how could Virat do this to me? How could he get intimate with Sai? He promised me and now he says that times have changed and the promise he made me holds no importance. And Sai you think you've won, but I won't let it be, I won't. I will not let you win."
In the room at bedtime Virat asked Sai, "what will our baby become on growing up? Will the baby become an a police officer like me, a doctor like you or something else?" "Virat sir look this is our baby, our first baby, no matter what he/she becomes, he/she needs to become a good human being first, if our baby is a good human then it doesn't really matter. Our baby should become and do what gives him/her happiness." "I agree. But what are we going to name him or her?" After rejecting a lot of names
"Savi and Sairat" both of them said together "if it's a boy then Sairat and if it's a girl then Savi" Sai said, "because these names are a combination of our names" said Virat. Both of them loved the names.
After a few days when Virat returned home to his room, he saw Sai standing in front of the mirror with her hands on her tummy trying to see weather her baby bump was showing or not but it was still a little early for that. Then she sat on the bed holding her tummy, she started talking to her baby, " hello baby, I am your Aai. You know I didn't ever have my Aai with me, but I will always be with you, I will always love you, pamper you and protect you. You know even though I didn't have my Aai, I had my Aaba he was my 2 in 1 Aai+Baba, he was my everything, he loved me very much, always cared for me and protected me. And Virat Sir, I mean your Baba he's also a lot like my Aaba, you know your Baba is a very good person and he will always love you, care for you, protect you and will always be there for you." Then she saw Virat standing with a smile and asked "what are you doing there?" "Nothing, I just didn't want to interrupt the baby and it's Aai's conversation" Virat replied. Virat then came to Sai, caressing her tummy he said "hi baby, I am your Baba, what do I say now, your Aai has already told you everything, but you know what I already love you so much that it can't be expressed." Sai looked at Virat smiling, Virat too looked at her smiling, it's not just their faces that were smiling but their hearts smiled too.
During the fifth month of her pregnancy, one night Sai was being very restless and was unable to sleep which woke Virat, she wasn't able to sleep due to backache, Virat took the pillows and adjusted them at her back to make her comfortable, Virat then kissed Sai's baby bump and was caressing it, Sai was now comfortable and was looking at Virat with love, just then when he was caressing her belly they felt baby's first kick, "the baby kicked! Did you feel that?" Sai asked "yes I did" Virat replied, they looked at each other smiling and eyes filled with tears then the baby kicked again, and again "the baby is quite a kicker, will be a football player like me" said Virat and they laughed.
Sai was now seven and a half months pregnant, her pregnancy was just not easy especially for Virat, with all the morning sickness, her weird cravings, tantrums and the biggest challenge of all her mood swings which were on peak all the time, Sai had so many mood swings before she was pregnant so just imagine how would have it been when she was pregnant, she would get super angry, get in jolly mood the next minute and would start crying for no reason, she had a lot of cravings and would literally keep Virat on his toes. Virat even had to manage his duty along with all this but he enjoyed doing everything for Sai and his baby. The whole family pampered Sai during her pregnancy and fulfilled her demands. It wasn't easy for Sai as well, her body was changing, her hands and feet were swelled due to pregnancy, she had morning sickness, would have a lot of cravings and feel puckish the next minute, her hormones would hit and she would have so many mood swings that sometimes even she couldn't handle them herself, she loved Virat and the family doing so much for her and sometimes would be guilt ridden for troubling them too much. She had a lot of sleepless nights as their baby was very active especially at night, it would move a lot at night and Virat would comfort her.
It was Sai's baby shower and she got dressed in a beautiful yellow saree, Virat was mesmerised upon seeing her and was feeling blessed to have her in his life and carrying his child. They now went downstairs and the ceremony began, everyone fed Sai sweets, gave her gifts and blessings for her and the baby. Virat was sitting beside Sai. Pakhi wasn't happy and didn't take part in their happiness. The event was done successfully, all the guests had returned, and the family members were also going to go to their rooms when the bell rang, everyone wondered who would it be at this time? Karishma opened the door and it was Samrat.
Samrat is back.

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