chapter 19

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This chapter contains:  blood

《Chapter 19, the figure of shards》

Sabre Pov

I finally found a cave.  It took me while.

I looked threw my inventory to find no torches, I face palmed out of stupidity.

"The one thing I need when going into a cave"

I look and saw I had a flint and steel and it sparked an idea (get it. Spark. Fire.haha... I'm not funny)

I got out my sword and went to the nearest tree and used my sword like a saw to get a small but thick branch. I could to it with ease.

I made the string I had thicker and more durable than lite the branch. I realized that took longer than I thought. But I didn't want to go back now. I stood in front of the cave, I took out my pickaxe and felt a breeze from my side.

I looked at my inventory to see i had my  pickaxe, flint and steel. With my sword on my waist in its holder

I'll be fine and I headed in.

It was larger than I thought. I looked and saw I had around 32 iron ore and two stacks of coal. I didn't know what level I was on. Made that way more difficult to fine diamonds Redstone and gold. Also lapis, but I never really use it. I went deeper, I started to find alot of gold and iron. I now had around a stack of gold ore and 1 and half stacks of iron. My pickaxe was almost broken. I than sudenlly felt a sharp object wind right past my eye. I turn and held my sword. I look and saw red eyes coming from, the darkness. I felt fear.
And only that.

The figure stepped closer. I could only see a bit of the shape. It had dark mist circling around it. Shard floated all around it. All of the shards pointed in my direction. I dropped the torch and ran. I weeved threw as I saw more shard been thrown.i felt one scrape against my arm. It had two edges and, locked into my arm. I felt a sting of pain go threw me. I went to a sudden stop almost falling into a huge hole that led down to lava. There were edges, but not way of climbing down. Either way it was a dead end. I turn to see if the thing was still being me. I couldn't see anything. I turn back.

Maybe i lost it. I sighed.

I herd something and moved my head. Sudenlly the creature pushed me into the pit. I

I imadelty got my pickaxe out and digged it into the wall.  I felt my sword fall out and burn right away in the lava.


I pushed my body against the wall of the pit so it cant see me. Shards were sent into the lava. I felt shards go across my back repeatedly as I herd them burn in the lava, bit my tongue so I don't make a sound.,the figure finally  left.

I sighed and than felt a breaking in my pickaxe.

Oh no. I look to see what ledge I could jump to. I than saw one that was closer. It was still a jump but I could do it. I turn my body towards the ledge that was on my left. I pushed myself against the wall and jumped towards it. I was able to grab on time and held on to the edge. My legs dangling on I could feel the heat of the lava on my legs and I herd it bubble. I felt pain threw my body because of my arm and back. I was able to lift myself up and lean on the wall. I could hear my own heart rate, I tried my best to catch my breath

I look and saw I had half of the pickaxe. The dull side,

I was exhausted

But what was that thing?

why was it attacking me?

I didn't realize till now that it looked familiar. But where?

I than lost my trian of thought as my body went numb and everything fades.


Few hours after....

Time Pov

I didn't knew were guardian was. We started searching. It was getting dark out and headed back. I headed inside only to know Sabre was nowhere in the house.

Oh no

Alex Pov

I was in my room trying to find a new look. When out of nowhere I heard the outside door slam open then a door slam close.

I walked out of my room and saw the door open to the world. I went to close it and looked around.

I than remembered the guardian was staying here... I turn than herd a shattering of a mirror. I ran to his room and opened the door Only to see him with his hood down. He had these white and black particles around him one of his hands were black the other was white. There was mist of the two colors flowing around him. His hair looked really badly out of sorts. His wings were fading into black. Something wax wrong and What ever it was

I needed to help

"Guardian?" I asked. His overly large elf ears twitched. He turned and I could see he had black on one ear and white on the other. His hair was in a middle part and I could see his eyes.

His eyes were pure black with this markings that went down the his mouth. Not at his mouth. Just the length. There was white stuff coming from his eyes.

I than felt this scent coming from him. He looked way younger when he doesn't hide his face. He had face scars on him. I was shocked at the state he was in. He reminded me of what I looked like when I was loosing it and not myself.

"Guaridan, its me. Your freind!" I said. I was scared but I tried to keep it joyfully. He cleary wasnt fully there. He turned back and looked in the shattering mirror. His head was twitching pretty violent, I slowly stepped closer.

"It's okay" I reached my hand to his shoulder. I than felt one of his hands ripped at my eye, scratching it. I felt stinging in it and fell I leaned up and saw he had long black and white claws. I could see is black claw with my blood. His posture was messed up and his eyes were pure red. I held my right eye to stop the bleeding. I backed up a little. But I knew this wasn't him. I needed be strong. I than saw his eyes change. One eye was white with an black x as a pupil and black with x as a pupil. His face changed expressions to no emotion to sad and disturbed. Tears formed in his eyes. His white eye had black tears and the other eye had white. He fell silent and fell to the ground. It felt like everything just stopped. I crawled towards him and sat next to him
It wasnt his fault...

"" his voice sounded to scared to talk and different

"Its okay. Its just a scratch" I said making a joke. He didn't respond.

Silence grew. I could hear him crying. I felt bad. He never acted like this when the entities emerged

"Its okay. Its not your fault"

"W.why didn't from me" he paused

"I look like a monster. I hurted you. As I guardian i.."

I hugged him. He didn't hug back. I remember when I felt like that. I felt alone and scared of myself. He has lived for so long and he probably has been threw alot over generations. I could never be able to do what he does without loosing it. Do the steves in the sprint world even talk to him. Is he alone all the time? With no one there to help him when he needs it.

"I know how it feels guardian. Tell me what happened

I'm listening"


Pls don't say he is ranboo.

The two are similar but have different characteristics

There's gonna be Sabre angst don't worry.  Almost every character will have some sort of angst in this storyline since its fun to write.

I have been having terrible writers block. I have taken a break from my main  and focus on this story more.


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