Chapter 23

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This chapter contains: language

Chapter 23. Trials


I ran.

Blood was on my hands and it wasn't mine.

Everyone doesn't want teaming. They want blood.

They think it's every man for themselves.

Why is violence always what people want.

He was right.

I shouldn't have done this.

I'm too caring.

Too emotional

Too kind.

I was able to escape. I climbed up a tree and sat their like a bird. I looked at my hands to see claws of my energy. I clenched my fist. My own blood dripped from. Pain that was hard to feel came. It was hot. My breathing was heavy.

I'm being too soft.

I need this.

To make them proud.


Overseer POV

I woke to see a figure fly by my window


I headed outside and saw feathers on the ground near sabres house. It was late morning.

I knocked on sabres homes door. I was confused on why guardian ran in here.

Hypno steve answered.

" Hello overseer" his glitch voice greeted

"Hello hypno. I think I saw guardian run in?" I asked

" he did!" I herd Time Steve said behind hypno steve. They walked over to us at the door.

" he actually just ran in and knocked on sabres door. It was odd." They paused

" and something happened last night. I'm sure you herd it hypno"

Hypno nodded.

"What?" I asked. Concerned

They started to explain to me that sabre had this weird thing happened to him where his voice and body was moving only and he sounded like hecwas in pain. I had a feeling on who did this to him.

"Is he okay now?" I asked

" umm just tired and weak." Time said

" when I woke up I saw you sleeping with sabre on top of you. Why were you?" Hypno asked making a grin. His smile freaked me out alot.

" well.. uhhhhh. I wanted to make sure he is okay" was times response.

Hmm it's a good excuse but still.

Sabre pov

My body was sore and weak as guardian explained what the place I was in called the mental or something like that

" Soooo. Basically. It's a state between a nightmare and reality and lanza has gotten a grasp on control over it. Also the guy that fought you was just copying the old jinx powers and look. His name is rocket. He wants a book you use to write in. You know all this from reading? How much free time did you have?"

" More than you think. Also you cannot Inform anyone on my appearance" he said with a stern tone

" I don't even wanna know why" I said.

I looked at my torn outfit and looked at the closet. I should change. Maybe find a new outfit.

" How good are you at picking out outfits?"

" I would say decent. Why?"

" Well I want to make a new outfit but got no ideas"

He sighed

" I'll help I can make an outfit and you can try it on" I nodded agreeing

He went through my closet and threw me some stuff I had. He left the room and I changed.

I looked in my full body mirror. Pretty happy with it. It was a darker green jacket I had. A very dark green blindfold. White undershirt. My neck like scarf was still damaged but not to much. Brown pants with black boots. there was a piece were their were shoulder armor pieces and a cloak that goes down not to far down. a hat like thing. How was this stuff in the closet. It looked well though. It was starting to get pretty hot out so I might take off the jacket and cloak if I get too hot. I walked out and showed but the guardian was gone.

" that outfit looks great sabre" I herd time said. Overseer was there and nodded. Hypno has no reaction.

"Where did the guardian go?" I asked

" he said he needed to check on something. What ever that is" hypnos response being blunt about it. He is all like so sassy about things. Why is he always like that.

" that's suspicious"

" its the guardian. He always is being anonymous om sutff." Overseer said

Guardian Pov.

Have you got a good place to open the portal Patrick said through our connection.

Almost was my response.

I was in the forest a good distance away. I summoned my staff and held it. I focused on opening a portal to where Patrick was. I felt the ground shake a bit as lighting rang through my ears. A huge amount of it pouring down. I closed my eyes from the light.

I herd Patrick say something but couldn't make it out.

Night POV

" we did it. Okay now hand over rainbow Steve" I was so surprised it worked but rainbow needs to come back. Lighting struck near me and the bright color steve stood their.

" What happene!? Why is there a portal?" He asked. His breathing was heavy.

"Don't ask were leaving" I said. I opened the machine Patrick was in.

" we don't Have much time" he said grabbing his bag as I had mine already with me.

I looked at the portal so gratefull it worked. Decade's of waitjng here in hell. Finally freedom. We all ran through. Lighting stormed around me and light blinding. I felt my feel make contact with the ground. Sounds of animals. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful sky and forest.

Finally I'm free.


Sorry if this chapter is short but I got writers block after I finished it.

Also would you guys want to see every design I have in gacha form. Yes I do art and gacha.

If you want to see that I will post in in the au art book.

As I said before the updates are going to be slow because I am dealing with finding my identity. I have been struggling alot about it and I think slowing down my updates will be good. So I don't need to focus as much.

Words: 1016

Until I upload again


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